Diagnóstico de manifestaciones de violencia y estrategias de paz institucionales en la Universidad Distrital Francisco José de Caldas
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Much of Colombian society has lived in an environment of violence as a result of an internal armed conflict that has been in force for years, which has allowed its cultural foundations to be configured as a violent society. Therefore, the present research aims to evaluate situations that generate conflict and manifestations of physical, psychological and behavioural violence of the academic community that interacts in seven (7) Francisco José de Caldas District University. The main research tools are: observation, focus group methodology and social mapping, application of the Autocad tool, bibliographic consultation and analysis of results. Observation identifies behaviors, behaviors and conflict situations within the university campus, facts that become an object of study; social mapping involves the production of implantation maps by each of the sites to be evaluated and the selection of a population sample that was determined through the focal group techniques and non-probabilistic sampling for convenience determining the time of the activity and the areas where it is carried out. At the same time, we investigate the instruments of management and control of situations of violence known to the university community. As well as those who promote a culture of peace at the Francisco José De Caldas District University. The analysis of the results presents conflict and relationship network maps showing violent demonstrations by the academic community, including students, teachers, administrative and support personnel; are also illustrated in the same way the areas of each headquarters where conflict situations are most frequently presented, in order to evaluate under criteria of impact, efficiency and effectiveness, correlation and state of participation, the relevance of the management and control of these situations through the instruments offered by the university.