Adquisición y fortalecimiento de la lengua de señas colombiana en niños sordos de preescolar del Colegio Pablo De Tarso LED por medio de la narrativa visual
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It is important to note that language is part of the development of all human beings, to the extent that it is part of the culture and is essential for communication. The foregoing is relevant in the framework of the project "Acquisition and Strengthening of Colombian sign language in deaf Children of Preschool of the Pablo de Tarso IED School through Visual Narrative", developed in the preschool grades at the Colegio Pablo de Tarot IED where the visual narrative will be implemented as a tool to support the reading of images, specifically the applications for the book - album and the story for LSC1, as a research methodology, framed at the time, through observation within the process of the acquisition of LSC, the interview of families and teachers, also deaf children can tell the narration in LSC through the video. In addition, to highlight the importance of family participation, in learning the sign language to communicate with their children through visual narrative in the home and in various places such as the library. For this purpose, it can use strategies that are specific to the methodology of action research, of children and of observation in different activities; and ethnography as an application through observation for the acquisition and strengthening of LSC in children. Among the strategies used are interviews of parents and book books written on children.