Desarrollo de habilidades científicas a partir del estudio de la vegetación urbana, mediante el OVA expedición Villavo, con estudiantes de noveno grado del colegio gimnasio Domingo Savio. Villavicencio-Meta
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The work was developed under the modality of deepening, with the purpose of diagnosing the level of scientific skills, characterize the vegetation present in a strategic place of Villavicencio; design, implement, validate and evaluate the OVA "Villavo Expedition" from two concepts: Biodiversity and transgenics which allows us to contribute to the development of scientific competencies in the ninth grade students of the Domingo Savio Gymnasium of Villavicencio. In addition, it is considered that the relevant research methodology to use, will be a mixed approach; in addition the methodology-technology was based on the instructional model ADDIE. The proposal has as a population object of study the students of basic secondary of ninth grade and was applied to a total of 70 students enrolled in the Colegio Gimnasio Domingo Savio of Villavicencio of single day the OVA "Villava Expedition". Data collection instruments are referenced the diagnostic test "Think 1", evaluative test "Think 4", opinion survey in students and expert assessment the OVA "Expedition Villavo" in students and OVA assessment survey by experts based on the LORI system instrument, with the purpose of this is to systematize, collect and analyze both quantitative and qualitative data that are obtained, in addition simultaneously will be analyzed, interpret and discuss the information obtained for further triangulation of data. The study is divided into six chapters:Introduction: which identifies important aspects such as: justification, situation of the problem, research question, and both general and specific objectives. Background: the theoretical aspects are referenced around the three cognitive, pedagogical - didactic and technological components and their respective background. Theoretical framework: historical journey from the competence concept, constructivist learning model, meaningful learning, didactic and finally mentioning the emergence of the OVA as a technological tool. Methodological Design: shows the operationalization, the type of population and sample; including the techniques and instruments of data collection and type of research, structure of the instruments and the analysis of how the results were addressed. Methodological-technological design: it mentions the phases and the narrative that must be taken into account when preparing an OVA; it also includes the development of the OVA "Villavo Expedition" Results: the initial development of the diagnostic test is shown after the application of the OVA, the recording and coding of the information. Some comments and suggestions are presented. and finally it is concluded that the test Thinking 1 yielded low performance levels for the 3 competitions in natural sciences, additionally, being the living environment component one of those that presents greater opportunity for improvement. also in the implementation of the OVA a positive impact was presented along the learning process of the students, allowed the students to be attracted, on the one hand, to the learning of biology and on the other, the strengthening of scientific skills that would lead to an improvement of the competences to be evaluated.Consequently, in the satisfaction survey (a sample of 26 students) and the LORI evaluation format applied to experts (2 master teachers in Digital Technologies applied to education) it can be concluded that, presenting assessments with high scores, having an average between 4 and 5 in their vast majority, denotes that the OVA Expedition Villavo satisfactorily meets the proposed goals. The bibliography and related annexes are presented to finalize the report.