Análisis de Alternativas para el Tratamiento de los Vertimientos del Instituto Nacional de Salud
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n these internships is sought get alternative for the implementation of a system of treatment of waters waste of the Instituto Nacional de Salud (INS) in them different points of shedding: well of inspection end and box of inspection of the plant of serum to comply with the resolution 0631 of 2015, through an analysis historical of it characterization physico-chemical of them measurements semi-annual from the year 2011 until the year 2016. Of the analysis historical is obtained as result a tab technical with them features main of the shedding for the request of quote to them different companies of treatment, and is generated visits to them different areas or dependencies of the INS looking for identify points of control of shedding and strengthen them actions of prevention, minimization and control of the generation of loads polluting product of them activities missionary of the INS.