Lectura literaria de textos verbo-visuales : una ventana a la experiencia estética
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This master's work exposes the design and implementation of the research entitled Literary Reading of Verbo-Visual Texts: a Window to Aesthetic-Experience. Which was carried out in two private institutions of a confessional nature in the city of Bogotá within the framework of the Maestría en Pedagogía de la Lengua Materna. The purpose of this project was to build a proposal for literary reading mediated by verbo- visual texts in order to achieve the development of the aesthetic experience of the students of 6B of Colegio San Felipe Neri and 901 of Colegio Parroquial San Carlos. Consequently, pedagogical-literary workshops planned under the interpretive paradigm of a qualitative approach, which responds to the action-research design, were formulated and applied. In the findings, it was identified that, due to their particular
characteristics, verbo-visual texts enhance the approach to literature after reading the image. Likewise, it is worth highlighting the capacity of pedagogical-literary workshops to adapt to situations such as those experienced during the pandemic and remote education, such as the need to update teachers in the ICT and the LKT to answer the challenges of the school setting.