Juegos de rol para el desarrollo del lenguaje y el pensamiento lógico matemático en estudiantes de grado noveno del programa volver a la escuela de la IED Restrepo Millán Sede D
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This work describes issues related to the development of logical mathematical thinking (PLM) in ninth grade students of the "Back to School" program of the IED Restrepo Millán, branch D. This proposal arises from the difficulties detected in the training processes of students in vulnerable conditions, regarding impediments to be in the regular classroom due to extra-age, and the social and cultural environment that surrounds them. The report is structured by phases that account for the development of the work plan, each one of them with specific objectives, activities and results obtained with its implementation. In the preparation phase, the work plan of the internship to be developed is elaborated, together with the exploration phase in which the characterization of the population is carried out, highlighting the incidence of the health crisis as a result of COVID 19. The socioemotional problems are recognized and considered and at the same time the theoretical construction phase is developed in which the importance and purpose of the role-playing game in the classroom and how it contributes to the development of PLM is based. Finally, in the phase of transformation of the school experience, the experience and results obtained during the implementation of the playful environment generated with the role-playing game are analyzed and concluded and how it accounts for the objectives set out in the first phase.