Aportes en la construcción del conocimiento escolar, una revisión documental de la revista TED (2007-2015)
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The results of an undergraduate work carried out in the research-innovation modality and in support of the project entitled "The proposals of school knowledge in natural sciences in the curricular orientations of the SED of Bogota (2007 - 2015)" are presented. Carmen Alicia Martínez Rivera, coordinator of the research line of Professional Knowledge of science teachers and school knowledge, of the inter-institutional doctorate of education of the Francisco José de Caldas District University and director of the research group "Research in Didactics of Science", this project is based on previous research of the line (Martínez, 2000, 2005; Martínez and Valbuena 2013; Martínez, 2016; Martínez, 2017) and was developed in an articulated way to other two undergraduate works (Ávila and Martínez, 2018; Martínez L.). 2018), from the analysis of categories that show a great potential for school knowledge, such as: school contents, sources and selection criteria of school contents, epistemological referents of school knowledge and criteria of validity of school knowledge.