Viabilidad técnica y financiera en tratamiento de residuos sólidos utilizando tecnología de gasificación por plasma municipio de Tenjo
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The treatment of Solid Waste (hereinafter referred to as RS), in the municipality of Tenjo (Cundinamarca), is carried out today, by conventional collection with final disposal of said RS in the Nuevo Mondoñedo landfill, located 28 km from the town center. An alternative little explored in Colombia is plasma gasification technology, a process from which electrical energy and fuels are obtained, (Oost, Hrabovsky, Kopecky, Konrad, Hlina, & Kavka, 2008, p209) describe the location of a torch in a chemical reactor, allowing through an innovative and environmentally friendly treatment, to treat the waste with a view to its energy recovery, that is to say the waste becomes valuable within the process, achieving a reduction in the emission of greenhouse gases (GHG ). According to Helsen and Bosmans (cited in Morrin, Lettieri, Chapman & Mazzei 2012, p677) by means of a plasma torch system installed in a tank reactor, a plasma arc is created from power supply with electrode voltage and current injection of gas (oxygen, nitrogen, fuel, etc.). The proposal aims, supported by the dynamics of systems, to evaluate and determine the technical and financial conditions, which imply the viability for the treatment of the R.S through Plasma Gasification Technology for the municipality of Tenjo.