Imaginarios sociales de un grupo de niños y niñas Emberá acerca de la ciudad de Bogotá.
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Bogotá city es taken as one of the cities that receive diferent peolple and families arisen from national territory, between them we find the native infancy is population that in the same way it is found in exploration ans appropiation of the new territory. Inside of the multiplicity of infancies that arrive at the capital, we find the emberá children been a center of attention for the desplacement situation and vulnerability condition for what they live it the capital. So, the present investigation looks, for the social imaginations about the group of emberá children with four or six years old in Bogotá city. From a qualitative design, using an etnographic method use do three workshops, planned since the walls of the first incancy. Looking for sentimental and affects os this group of children toward its territory of origen and toward Bogota. The results let to see a cultural scenary, observing a relation between the social imaginaries of children with the cultural heap of their community.