Reflexiones y transformaciones alrededor de las representaciones e imaginarios de género presentes en los niños y las niñas del grado 203 de la institución educativa Divino Maestro: hacia una sensibilización con enfoque de equidad de género
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The following investigative work presents the reflective results of the teachers Nataly Rodriguez and Nathaly Puentes, based on the pedagogical experience carried out in the professional practice of 2019 in the IED Divino Maestro school with the boys and girls of the 203 course, this research was configured from the qualitative approach in the modality of action research in education with the historical-hermeneutic paradigm; with the purpose of building spaces for awareness, reflection and promotion of gender equality through the construction and creation of comics; Based on this, 3 data collection formats were initially built and applied, whose activities were focused on generating alternative spaces that would allow to show how these imaginary and gender representations permeate their identity as well as their daily interactions in the classroom; Subsequently, and based on these findings, a pedagogical proposal entitled "The League of Equality" was created, which had a didactic sequence that contained a series of activities that made gender inequality visible through stories and stories that has been maintained for decades and that continues to be reproduced to this day, thus allowing boys and girls not only to make this problem visible and aware, but also giving them the opportunity to deconstruct said actions thanks to the reflective processes that they build