Propuesta de un modelo de Gobierno Corporativo para las Mipymes de Bogotá D.C. a partir de las prácticas de las Empresas Asociadas al Cedoces
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The present investigation, is the proposal of a model of corporate governance for the mipymes of the city of Bogotá, the population was chosen since, this type of organizations represent approximately 99% of the companies of the capital and in general, they have inconveniences in adopting corporate governance practices, becoming a determining factor in the annual liquidation rates of MSMEs. For the development of the model, a review of the literature of different positions on corporate governance and knowledge management was carried out, as well as the successful practices of the companies associated with the Colombian Business Council for Sustainable Development.
The foregoing was carried out by means of an exploratory methodology since the corporate governance practices of the different object scenarios are investigated, described and selected, followed by the recognition and exploration of the MSMEs of the country's capital, to subsequently generate a model in pentagonal network, basically represented by: nodes, graphs and with a third element, called arc, which indicates the relationship between each of the nodes, the model also has facilitating agents, which each organization couples according to its internal context and external, establishing in this way an applicable and replicable model for any type of mipyme in the city of Bogotá DC