Relación entre la etnobotánica y la composición fitoquímica de la familia Ericaceae (Bejaria resinosa, Gaultheria myrsinoides y Vaccinium floribundum) presente en el páramo de Sumapaz, Cundinamarca
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The knowledge of the inhabitants of rural areas, such as indigenous communities, peasants, Afro, among others, is very broad and they are built through daily practices or are inherited in order to improve and facilitate them according to the properties and the Uses of plants, on which an individual or community use can be implemented. The Ericaceae are a very successful family of angiosperms distributed in all continents, mainly with the exception of Antarctica, they present great endemism in mountainous areas of Colombia and Ecuador. The species Bejaria resinosa, Gaultheria myrsinoides and Vaccinium floribundum typical of sub-paramo have medicinal uses, protection, in living and edible fences. The relationship between the ethnobotany of the Ericaceae family (Bejaria resinosa, Gaultheria myrsinoides and Vaccinium floribundum) present in the Sumapaz Páramo was investigated and reflected, compared to its phytochemical composition and its curative applications. The work area was the Sumapaz páramo located in Locality 20 of the capital district, the methodology was divided into three phases, two of inquiry, one of academic knowledge and the other of ethnobotanical knowledge and the last one for the correlation of the information obtained Through the MAXQDA Analytics Pro 2020 version 20.3.0 program, the results were synthesized into 4 categories: food, domestic, medicinal and identification use. The most reported chemical components for the three species studied were: anthraquinones, phenolic compounds, coumarins, sesquiterpenlactones, steroids or triterpenoids, flavonoids, cardiotonic glycosides, saponins and tannins; Some of them are known and used by the women of the Sumapaz páramo as in Bejaria resinosa that fulfill a desinflammatory and anti-inflammatory function, within the community their expectorant function is highlighted due to the cough produced by some type of cold; in the species Gaultheria myrsinoides a laxative function was evidenced which cleans the gastrointestinal system and in Vaccinium floribundum, on the contrary, a medicinal function was not found in the ethnobotany of the Sumapaz paramo.