Inclusión al proyecto Aixt de microcontrolador NODEMCU V3 LUA ESP8266EX 32Mb para la transcompilación de su código fuente desde un lenguaje basado en V a lenguaje C
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862 / 5.000 Resultados de traducción Resultado de traducción The project required changing the base language of the Node MCU ESP8266 microcontroller to another language since this microcontroller has good technical capabilities but because we want to expand the branch of applications for which it was designed. To carry out this extension or expansion of the applicability of the microcontroller, there was a problem and it was its RAM memory since it was an obstacle to carrying out this activity, because its memory does not have the required capacity and its modification is not viable. For this problem, we chose a solution such as changing its base language (C+) which is programmed at the factory and this is where the V language plays a very important role, where what this language does is optimize the memory of the microcontroller and thus achieve greater use of the same.