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Ítem Análisis de Idoneidad del Suelo para Construcción de Colegios Públicos Integrando SIG y PAJ en el Área Urbana de BogotáLeón Gallo, Adriana Lorena; Patiño Rivera, Hector Ricardo; Benítez Forero, Jaime AntonioThis study presents a procedure in order to evaluate the suitability of land for the destination of new public educational equipment within Bogotá, Colombia urban area, using an Analytic Hierarchy Process (AHP) and Geographic Information Systems (GIS); where the criteria considered were NTC 4595, city’s Land Use Planning and other soils whose change of activity is unlikely as hospitals and graveyards among others. As a result of the analysis it is established which areas are suitable for the location of land intended for that purpose, also it can be recognized which existing educational equipment do not meet the criteria.Ítem Análisis Multitemporal de la Variación del Valor del Suelo en Bogotá Durante el Periodo 2013 – 2016, Teniendo en Cuenta los Cambios de Normatividad Urbana en el Plan de Ordenamiento Territorial de la Ciudad (Decretos 190 de 2004, 364 de 2013, 562 de 2014, 575 de 2015 y 079 de 2016)Ruiz Palomo, Geraldine Johanna; Moncada Sotelo, Ivan Felipe; Upegui Cardona, Erika SofíaCurrently in Bogota there is a current territorial ordinance plan: decree 190 of 2004. However, in recent years, regulatory proposals have been generated to modify this plan, such as decree 364 of 2014, as well as specific regulations for urban development The city, as decree 562 of 2014 and its various modifications, which dictates specific rules for the treatment of urban renewal. This project seeks to analyze how the normative implementations established during the years 2013 to 2016, impact the value of urban land. This is done by making different appraisals to the same property according to the rules that are assigned to them. A sample of five buildings (lots) was determined, selecting them according to the urban treatment that governs them, in order to obtain as a result the land values of the same. Subsequently, by means of statistics and graphs, the results obtained are compared and analyzed according to the variables taken into account in the appraisals and to the changes in the building conditions, seeing the behavior of variation that can be presented and determining how the Real estate market by said decrees. Finally, maps are generated that allow the spatialization of results and changes in buildability according to the urban regulations. After realizing this methodology, it is evident that the value of the soil changes according to variables such as urban charges, maximum height, built area, among other conditions of each decree, and that these normative proposals generate that the value of the soil increases, since Which is greater the possibility of edificabilidad. At the same time, it has provided support to the auditing processes of regularity and fiscal visit carried out by the Contraloría de Bogota, exercising fiscal control over entities of the district as the Unidad Administrativa Especial de Catastro Distrital, overseeing the management of the property subject.Ítem Análisis y Diagnóstico de la Actividad Económica en la Cuenca de la Quebrada la Negra y sus Implicaciones en las Amenazas de Avalanchas e Inundaciones: 1988-2015Martin Herreño, Duberney; Olarte Niño, Javier Alejandro; Sanabria Duque, Marco AlvaroThis document will discuss how economic activity and land use has had a direct interference in the avalanche phenomena that occur in the basin of the quebrada - brook - La Negra. It will be noted how the act has been both the authorities and different actors for mitigation and management of natural hazards that develop in the area, especially if it affects the urban area of Útica. It delves into extensive documentary research accompanied by field visits and interviews with various actors on the territorial dynamics of the basin in each of its aspects. Analyses show that land use, economic development of the region and the policies implemented there become detonating factors phenomenon thanks to vulnerability presented in this area, which accompanied the issue of climate change create a problem that ends up affecting especially populated center of Utica found in an alluvial fan between the brook call quebrada La Negra and the river call rio Negro.Ítem Comparación del valor de dos tipos de suelos, implementando la metodología para la determinación del valor del suelo por rentas generadas en unidades mínimas rentables mediante el uso de un algoritmo de optimización, para el predio Marbella II ubicado en el municipio de Sasaima, CundinamarcaGómez Oyola, Franklin; Rengifo Mahecha, Cristhian David; Acuña Carvajal, HernandoThe present work of degree considers the application of the methodological proposal for the determination of the value of the ground for income generated in minimum profitable units, formulated by Orozco, M. & Hurtado, B. (2018), with the objective of applying it to the plan of environmental management for the Marbella II property located in the municipality of Sasaima, Cundinamarca, formulated by Guerra. P, & Peña. And, (2016). Therefore, the aim is to determine the value of the land, by means of two tests, one for each type of soil, and in this way to show or not how the value of a property changes, through the application of quantitative optimization algorithms, through the PHP Simplex Method. The useful area of the land for crops is 14.9 Ha, of which 9 Ha belong to the soil MPKd, and 5.9 Ha to the soil MLVd. The species to be implemented in the trials are the following: Uchuva, Lulo and Cerezo.Ítem Criterios para Adquirir Predios Destinados a Regulación Hídrica en el DMI Cerro Juaica, Municipiod de Tenjo CundinamarcaZapata Echavarría, Jessica; Moreno Gutiérrez, Jaime AlbertoThe water supply in the municipality of Tenjo, Cundinamarca is given only by deep wells. It was intended to prioritize the properties with the greatest potential water recharge in the District Integrated Management (DMI) Cerro Juaica Municipality of Tenjo Cundinamarca in the dining areas of water rounds, in order to reduce pressure on the wells that supply water to municipality.A map of conflicts of use is done in the areas of restoration of water rounds adapting the Leopold matrix associated with the compatibility of land use and using the abacus Regnier for color mapping and display graphical output contrasting recommended in the Environmental Management Plan DMI uses and existing uses presented in the DMI;This contrast is verified in the field by adapting field forms suggested Jarro (2004).For evaluation of surface water recharge areas proposed methodology was implemented Matus et.,al (2009) which takes into account factors associated with soil, slope, parent material, permanent vegetation cover and land use for determining potential water recharge implemented superficial. Finally superimposing the farm map of DMI Cerro Juaica, the map of conflicts of land use in areas of restoration of water rounds and map identification of recharge areas is done for prioritizing the land to be acquired for resource conservation water.Ítem Modelación del Efecto del Cambio de Uso del Suelo en la Cuenca del Rio Coello, Bajo Escenario de Cambio Climático, A Través De La Aplicación Del Modelo Hidrológico SWAT (Soil And Water Assessment Tool)Castañeda Morales, Yeraldine; Franco, Helvar RodolfoIt is important to consider the current dynamics such as climate change and land use change, in order to evaluate the possible effects on water resources. In this context, the present research aims to determine and evaluate the effect of land use change under ideal conditions under a scenario of climate change in the Coello River basin, which is located in the department of Tolima in Colombia, through of the application of the SWAT (Soil and Water Assessment Tools) hydrological model. The watershed occupies 7.8% of the department and is important because it is a source of supply of different municipalities including the departmental capital, in addition it is the largest irrigation district in the country, where electricity is also generated. For the hydrological modeling, data from the periods 1988-2007 and 2011-2030 were used, the climatic data were calculated from general circulation models (GCM) and regional circulation models (RCM), in this case was used PRECIS model applying the HadCM3 model with the A1B scenario proposed by the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC). The methodology for the recommended use map of Zúñiga 2010 was used for the land use change scenario, where the uses are determined according to the characteristics of the territory. The SWAT model was manually calibrated according to the observed monthly flow data for the period 1988 - 2007 in the Payandé station, obtaining goodness of fit of the model rated as very good (COE: 0.64, R2: 0.82). The SWAT model estimated the flows for the period 2011-2030 with and without land use change. For the scenario without land use change, a reduction of 3.45% of the average annual flow was obtained in comparison with the reference period (1988-2007), while for the scenario with land use change there was an increase of the average annual flow of 19.33%, compared to the reference period. It was also compared the estimation of the flow between the scenarios with and without land use change in the period 2011-2030, where the scenario with land use change presents an increase of 23.59% of the mean annual flow with respect to the scenario without land use change. The high degree of uncertainty in global circulation models should be taken into account in assessing potential future climate impacts to make decisions on actions to adapt to climate change in the area. However, this is a good starting point for planning and integrated management basin.