Examinando por Materia "MICROCONTROLADORES"
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Ítem Diseño e Implementación de una Interfaz de Control para el Helicóptero Quanser 2 DofLazaro Mejia, Yarokxy Arjadis; Reyes Romero, Fabian Andres; Luengas Contreras, Lely AdrianaIn this article the design and implementation of a control interface for the Quanser 2 DOF helicopter [1] of the electronics laboratories of the technological faculty of the Francisco José de Caldas district university is exposed, in order to be able to use the Quanser 2 dof helicopter that is in disuse. To solve this problem, a hardware was designed from a microcontroller and a graphical interface in the Matlab software, thus recovering a tool from the university that is very useful for engineering students. The hardware has a communication protocol via USB, with which it sends to the computer the data it reads from the two sensors, with which the helicopter counts. And in turn generates a voltage signal, to control the sources of power. Achievement of a closed loop in conjunction with the control interface, in which the helicopter's degrees of freedom are controlled. With the control interface, in which the two degrees of freedom of the helicopter are controlled.Ítem Medidor índice UV portátilQuintero Cardenas, Nestor Eduardo; Giraldo Ramos, Frank NixonThe following document describes the development and construction of a portable prototype to measure the UV index, making use of the following devices: sensor (UVM30-A), microcontroller (Arduino NANO), screen (OLED SSD1331), bluetooth (HC-05). As a first step, a research on ultraviolet radiation was carried out to know its main characteristics as well as the ways that exist for its measurement. Subsequently, with the interaction of the aforementioned elements, a circuit capable of measuring the ultraviolet (UV) index was made, which has characteristics such as: wireless communication and alert interface with the increase of the UV index.Ítem Metodología de diseño e implementación robótica bajo la tecnología BEAM(Universidad Distrital Francisco José de Caldas) Rodríguez, Nelson; Garzón, Jamis; Soriano, José JairoEn este proyecto se presenta una propuesta metodológica para desarrollo de un sistema robótico biomórfico cuya locomoción es controlada por una red nerviosa analógica y su implementación es hecha sobre tecnología CMOS (Complementary Metal Oxide Semiconductor). Se elabora esta propuesta sobre la base de 5 hechos: (1) Las Redes Nerviosas Artificiales CNN (Celular Neural Network) basadas en la generación de patrones periódicos CPG (Central Pattern Generators) han mostrado ser una mejor opción para el control de locomoción que sistemas programados tradicionales, (2) La Robótica Bioinspirada aplicada en el diseño e implementación de Robots Biomórficos ha presentado una mejor adaptabilidad que la robótica clásica de robots con ruedas sin inspiración biológica en tareas tales como la de exploración de zonas cuyos terrenos son irregulares, peligrosos y de condiciones ambientales extremadamente dañinas para un organismo biológico natural, (3) La llamada Tecnología BEAM(Biologic, Electronic, Aesthetic, Mechanic) presenta características de sencillez, robustez, modularidad y bajo costo en cuanto a diseño e implementación de Robótica Biomórfica, además de alternativas de aprovechamiento de la energía solar, (4) El acrónimo BEAM presenta ejes fundamentales que sirven como base para el planteamiento de una metodología de diseño e implementación de robots, y (5) A la fecha en Colombia no hay realizaciones de robótica biomórfica c omo alternativa para tareas de exploración de zonas minadas ni estudio de ingeniería con respecto al control de locomoción usando CNN basadas en CPG y a nivel global no se ha estudiado el escarabajo para el modelado biomecánico. La contribución central de este trabajo se centra en el planteamiento de una metodología de diseño e implementación basada en BEAM como alternativa para el desarrollo robótico hardware con perspectivas de exploración en zonas minadas, aprovechamiento de energía solar, control de locomoción medular mediante redes nerviosas análogas artificiales e interacción con un procesador o comando central. Para este efecto, se hace una revisión teórica y experimental de los sistemas de locomoción basados en redes nerviosas, comportamientos emergentes propios de estos sistemas no lineales y la teoría del caos en vuelta en la explicación de la complejidad de estos sistemas.Ítem Prototipo de Automatización para Lavado de AutosLópez Cárdenas, Andrés Rodrigo; Obando Mosquera, Manuel Arbey; Fonseca Velásquez, AldemarThe present document describes the development of an electronic prototype at an automated scale for a car wash by means of a microcontroller, from a lift-type structure that controls the different phases of the process. This one-meter-tall elevator-type structure has six modules; each of the levels has different actuators executed by programmable commands performing the washing processes in each station according to the user's requirements. This structure has two input switches which by means of pulses give the indication to the PIC 18f4550 microcontroller to the type of washing that the user intends to carry out, the actuator systems has five SOLENOID VALVES and two H-BRIDGE which activate all the processes responsible for washing; each level of the elevator has sensors that indicate the position of the car at all times, these represent pulses of input to the microcontroller; It has an elevator with two engines controlled by the micro (the first located in the upper part of the structure responsible for raising and lowering, the second in the input and output tray of the car for each module). After finishing the processes automatically the car is moved to the first level of the elevator "Entrance" to complete the programmed sequence.Ítem Sistema de Adquisición y Comunicación Inalámbrica de Variables Sensadas del Prototipo Unificado Hacia un OrdenadorMolano Gomez, Christian Leonardo; Forero Sierra, Brayan Andres; Castañeda Tibaquirá, Dora LiliaThis document describes the development of a system for acquisition and wireless communication of variables sensed from a unified prototype (Savonius vertical axis wind turbine, anemometer and hygrometer) to an interface in LabVIEW software on a computer. The Savonius type vertical axis wind turbine was created on a smaller scale by its proponents following the design implemented at the Francisco José de Caldas District University Faculty of Technology, the anemometer was developed and implemented by its proponents for the measurement of wind speed, and the DHT22 hygrometer sensor was used to obtain the measurement of humidity and temperature variables.Ítem Variador de Velocidad para Motor Trifasico con Microcontrolador PSoC e Interfaz GraficaRuiz Ovalle, Leidy Lorena; Suarez Cruz, Ivan Leonardo; Porras Bohada, Jorge EduardoThis article describes the elaboration of a device that can vary the speed of a three-phase motor ½ HP, the device is composed of a three-phase inverter, driver protection, SPWM module generated by a PSoC 5, power source and python graphical interface where you can control the variation of the speed and the revolutions per minute (RPM). The device developing took into account the need for the industry from the variation of speed motors depending on the task that the operator is doing, because in order to do these jobs is not counted efficiently and sure regulate. This device provides easy handling and interactivity for the user when changing tasks, and as a result the mounting device and the design of the interface is shown.