Documentos RIUD
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Ítem Registro y Entrega de Trabajos de Grado en el Repositorio InstitucionalUniversidad Distrital Francisco Jose de Caldas, Sistema de BiblitoecasSet parameters for delivery of the final document (grade papers or thesis) Library System of the University Francisco José de Caldas format Institutional Repository RIUD digital and physical.Ítem Términos de UsoUniversidad Distrital Francisco José de Caldas, Sistema de Bibliotecas; Universidad Distrital Francisco José de Caldas, Sistema de BibliotecasTerms of use on the use of the contents of the RIUDÍtem Instructivo Catalogador metadatos y publicación de documentosUniversidad Distrital Francisco Jose de Caldas, Sistema de BibliotecasReview and complete metadata stored in the final documents to RIUD to perform analysis of bibliographic information for the retrieval of information by the end user.Ítem Instructivo Revisor Aprobación o Rechazo de Documento final RIUDUniversidad Distrital Francisco Jose de Caldas, Sistema de BiblitoecasReviewers allow documents (Directors of undergraduate work) to review and validate final versions of documents (degree and thesis work) together with its annexes end any.Ítem Licencia y autorización especial para publicar y permitir la consulta y uso de contenidos en el Repositorio Institucional de la Universidad DistritalUniversidad Distrital Francisco Jose de Caldas, Sistema de BiblitoecasTerms and conditions of use for publication of works in the Repository Institutional of the University Francisco José de Caldas (RIUD)Ítem Instructivo Gestor de ColeccionesUniversidad Distrital Francisco Jose de Caldas, Sistema de BiblitoecasManaging Curriculum Project Collection registered in the Institutional Repository District University of Bogotá RIUD. Assigning permissions on the collection corresponding to the authors and reviewers to allow the publication of registered documents.Ítem Instructivo recepción y publicación documentos finales – personal bibliotecaUniversidad Distrital Francisco Jose de Caldas, Sistema de BiblitoecasEstablish the activities through which are received and publish the final documents RIUD in the Institutional Repository of the University Francisco José de Caldas, taking into account the RIUD Use Licenses and physical media in digital format (CD, DVD) of the registered work degree.Ítem Instructivo Autor “Autoarchivo”Universidad Distrital Francisco Jose de Caldas, Sistema de BiblitoecasAllow the user to record their own documents (theses and degree) following Autoarchive sequential activities in the Institutional Repository RIUD