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Ítem Base de datos cultiva (BDC)García Martínez, Álvaro; León Corredor, Olga Lucía; Calderón, Dora Inés; Villanueva, Andrés; Alvarado, Braian Estiven; Muñoz Albarracín, Liz; Pantoja Lima, Celson; García Martínez, Álvaro [0000-0002-3597-6252]; León Corredor, Olga Lucía [0000-0003-4373-8630]; Calderón, Dora Inés [0000-0003-1187-6668]; Muñoz Albarracín, Liz [0000-0002-7486-8166]; Pantoja Lima, Celson [0000-0002-8074-8566]The ACACIA project, which is co-funded by the Erasmus+ program, has produced the document “Cultiva Database (CDB).” The Cultiva Database was created to facilitate the consultation and systematization of materials related to accessible didactic designs, good classroom practices and prototypes of the use of Alter-Native Curricular Referents. This database is aimed at researchers from participating universities and others interested in the topics of the Cultiva Module. Manage the data interactively with the QlikCloud tool. In addition, the database allows you to report and confirm the existence of materials related to its three main themes. The document describes the pedagogical and technological components of the database and provides guidelines for its use, emphasizing features in QlikCloud management. Additionally, it has a data model which allows collecting and unifying the information, with specific recommendations for each field.