Examinando por Autor "Pérez Santos, Alexandra Sashenka"
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Ítem Asistente Académico para el Espacio de Análisis de Circuitos I 2017-IIIImbachi Guerrero, Luis Felipe; Pérez Santos, Alexandra SashenkaAcademic assistance in the subject of Circuit Analysis I was developed in the form of internship for the semester of the second semester of 2017, where academic monitoring sections and an analysis of group and inter-group performance were developed, in addition to performing a statistical analysis with bivariate correlations. .Ítem Asistente Académico para los Espacios de Análisis de Circuitos II y Medidas Eléctricas 2017-1Solano Romero, Angel Estiven; Pérez Santos, Alexandra SashenkaCurrently in the Faculty of Technology of the District University, the academic spaces of Electrical Measurements and Circuits II Analysis offered by the academic programs of Technology in Electricity, Technology in Medium and Low Voltage Systems and Electrical Engineering by Cycles, have shown in the last five semesters academic repetition rates close to 34% and 46% respectively according to the information provided by the Coordination of the curricular project, in order to face this situation of academic mortality, a student who fulfills the role of assistant is proposed as an intern academic in both subjects to provide support to the student during the course of their semester.Ítem Caracterización de la demanda de potencia para los estratos socioeconómicos en propiedad horizontal en la ciudad de Bogotá D.C.Grisales González, Wilder Andres; Cruz Espitia, Felipe; Pérez Santos, Alexandra Sashenkahe behavior of the power demand in situations of user concentration evidenced in the residential complexes of the city of Bogotá, D.C. Taking into account the socioeconomic stratum of consumers of electricity. The analysis of the behavior of the demand, allows to establish the curves of daily demand and the behavior of the power factor by socioeconomic stratum and for working and non-working days. It is considered that this evidence is an input to establish the maximum demand diversified curves, indispensable for a correct sizing of transformers and even of low voltage electrical gridsÍtem Caracterización por estilos cognitivos y de aprendizaje de los estudiantes de Tecnología en Electricidad de la Universidad DistritalPérez Santos, Alexandra Sashenka; Molina Vásquez, RuthThe work presented in this thesis aims to the characterization of cognitive styles, learning styles and learning strategies of the students of Technology in electricity at the Technological Faculty of the Distrital University. The characterization was performed according to the Curry’s onion model (Lopez, 2012) repeatedly employed in previous studies where cognitive styles and learning styles were separately analyzed in populations of primary and secondary school education. The present study contributes two fundamental aspects, the simultaneous characterization in the three constructs and the analysis of population of undergraduate education, particularly at the Engineering field where the characterization of learning styles and strategies is even more scarce.Ítem Desarrollo de una herramienta ofimática de mejoramiento en el análisis de calidad de la energía eléctrica para la empresa Proyelect Ingeniería sasRamos Vargas, Giovanny Andres; Pérez Santos, Alexandra Sashenka; González Pedraza, Camilo Andrés; Pérez Santos, Alexandra Sashenka [0000-0003-3286-5861]; Gonzalez, Camilo Andrés [0000-0002-6705-7920]The company proyelect engineering sas has identified a problem that affects the proper conduct of operations with electrical energy quality analysis equipment. The above is generally evidenced by the errors associated from the installation stage of equipment that parameterizes the customers' energy quality data, difficulty in interpreting the data provided by the quality equipment, these being required by the Colombian technical standard for power quality in common node (Ntc 5001). Due to the above and meeting the needs of current clients, mainly in the hospital field, the intention arises at proyelect engineering sas, to implement guidelines that allow us to cover matters related to the Quality of Electrical Energy, thus safeguarding the proactivity of the company. By looking for tools and improvement of processes that are currently not fully defined, with this, we also seek to create opportunities for improvement, which can be evidenced in the development of this internship.Ítem Diagnostico, Levantamiento y Consultóría de los Equipos de Subestación Eléctrica y Redes Principales hasta Tableros Generales Del Hotel Santa Clara Cartagena.Gonzalez Castro, Daniel Camilo; Herrera Cubillos, Andres Felipe; Pérez Santos, Alexandra SashenkaCurrently the Hotel Santa Clara has an installed load of 1600kVA, which is supplied by the local network operator ELECTRIFICADORA DEL CARIBE S.A. E.S.P. The hotel is fed through a medium voltage network that enters the premises underground at a voltage level of 13.2kV (circuit CHAMBACU 7). It passes through a configuration of medium-voltage cells isolated in air from which the Hotel Santa Clara and three other buildings adjacent to the hotel are fed, that is to say that the hotel houses in its facilities areas of easement in which equipment is found that are owned by ELECTRIFICADORA DEL CARIBE SA E.S.P ... Once the stage of the medium voltage cells has been passed, the electrical transformers of the project are fed through protection cells with HH fuses isolated in air, the project currently has three transformers, one of 800kVA; 13.2kV / 440V and two 400kVA transformers; 13.2kV / 208V (See Annex 1), from which the power supply of each of the project's electrical loads is derived. In addition to the above, it has two power plants which provide partial replacement to the Hotel Santa Clara. As noted in the previous description, it is evident how robust the hotel's electrical infrastructure is, this added to the importance of the hotel, make sure that the electrical network is safe, and reliable, and also have the spaces suitable according to the electrical requirements. For the above and starting from the point that the hotel facilities have been in operation for more than 20 years without having undergone any remodeling (Annex 3.), it is necessary to perform some consulting work which will allow to determine the state of the equipment of the electrical substation and the main electrical networks to general boards in order to determine in what conditions the hotel is currently operating under Colombian regulations. In addition to the above, it must be taken into account that it is clear that equipment and electrical networks complied with their useful visa cycle. This, together with the obsolescence of the technologies used in 1995, means that the electrical substation and the main electrical infrastructure of the hotel do not be according to the needs of the sameÍtem Estrategia de Enseñanza y Aprendizaje ABP Aplicada a Circuitos II- Circuitos TrifásicosHincapié Alvarez, Maryid Paola; Usaquen Usaquen, Jorge Armando; Pérez Santos, Alexandra SashenkaDesign and development of virtual classroom of chapter 3 three-phase circuits of the subject circuits 2, which in turn is articulated to the virtual classroom of electrical measurements. The virtual classroom is focused on learning based on problems, that is, on situated learning, the virtual classroom has theoretical development of the programmatic content of said chapter, exercises located each of the content themes supported with their corresponding simulation, additionally has an evaluation line that allows to identify the process and the level of learning in which the student is.Ítem Estrategia de Enseñanza y Aprendizaje ABP Aplicada a Circuitos III-Circuitos de Orden UnoRojas Zarazo, Diego Armando; Páez Parra, Yuli Tatiana; Pérez Santos, Alexandra SashenkaThe traditional resources for the teaching and learning of circuits III and the academic achievement that has been obtained, demands the proposal of strategies, that support and reinforce academic activities student-teacher inside and outside the classroom, in order to linking theoretical content with practice in a real context. An innovative way of implementing the above can be achieved through the use of Information and Communication Technologies (ICT), establishing a virtual environment for the teaching and learning of circuits III. The initiative of an alternative teaching and learning strategy will be implemented with the development of Chapter 1: "One-order circuits" of the programmatic content of Circuits III version 1 prepared in 2015, based on the BPA.Ítem Estrategia de Enseñanza y Aprendizaje ABP Aplicada a Medición de Corriente Directa en Medidas Eléctricas: Clase 2 a la 4Ovalle Murcia, Gerson David; Pérez Santos, Alexandra SashenkaProvide situations and explanations using meaningful learning and located where the student feels identified and can apply them to their learning and work; in order to strengthen the knowledge acquired to be the basis of future teachings.Ítem Estudio comparativo técnico-económico de la alimentación para las cargas eléctricas de las 24 pilonas y el alumbrado exterior aferente a las estaciones del sistema de cable aéreo para la localidad de Ciudad Bolívar por medio de redes de distribución o paneles fotovoltaicosSánchez Orjuela, Luis Alberto; Piraján Rodríguez, Mauricio; Pérez Santos, Alexandra Sashenka; Pérez Santos, Alexandra Sashenka [0000-0003-3286-5861]This work of degree present a comparative technical-economic study of the electrical connection for the electric charges of the 24 support structures and the external lighting around to the stations of the aerial cable system for the district of Ciudad Bolívar through distribution networks or photovoltaic panels. The study contains a design for each feeding option that includes electrical plans, calculation memories, tables of build quantities, budget tables, technical specifications, projection costs, losses and energy consumption analysis. Finally shows the technical and economic analysis of the designs and the conclusions of the study.Ítem Estudio y Diagnóstico de las Instalaciones Eléctricas de la Facultad de Medio Ambiente y Recursos Naturales de la Universidad Distrital Francisco José de CaldasPérez de La Cuadra, Julian Oswaldo; Silva Suarez, Joan Sebastian; Pérez Santos, Alexandra SashenkaThis project is focused on performing the study and diagnosis of electrical installations of the Faculty of Environment and Natural Resources of the University Francisco José de Caldas, which is divided into the following buildings; Natura, Administrative Block, Institutional Welfare and Old, New and Computing, in order to establish the physical condition and compliance with current standards Laboratories building following three aspects which are rising and update electrical drawings, quality study power and ending with a technical and economic study of the appropriate adjustments for the proper functioning of the electrical installations of the faculty.Ítem Evaluación y Diseño Del Sistema de Protección Contra Descargas Eléctricas Atmosféricas Para la Facultad de Medio Ambiente y Recursos Naturales de la Universidad Distrital Francisco José De CaldasLeón Tovar, Andrés Vicente; Pérez Santos, Alexandra SashenkaEl estudio y diagnóstico de las instalaciones eléctricas de las facultades de la Universidad Distrital Francisco José de Caldas, son una serie de proyectos que se están realizando desde la Facultad Tecnológica en el Proyecto Curricular de Ingeniería Eléctrica con el fin de establecer el estado físico y el cumplimiento de las normas siguiendo cuatro aspectos: levantamiento de planos eléctricos, estudio de calidad de potencia, gestión energética y sistema de protección contra descargas atmosféricas. Adicionalmente, se incluye el análisis económico de la puesta en funcionamiento con las modificaciones planteadas según la necesidad de cada Facultad. En este proyecto se realizará el estudio y diagnóstico de las instalaciones eléctricas de la Facultad de Medio Ambiente de la Universidad Distrital Francisco José de Caldas, siguiendo tres de los cuatro aspectos anteriormente mencionados: levantamiento y actualización de planos eléctricos, estudio de calidad de potencia y el sistema de protección contra descargas atmosféricas, finalizando con un estudio económico de las adecuaciones correspondientes para el correcto funcionamiento de la Facultad.Ítem Guía para propietarios de Activos eléctricos nivel 1 de tensión, versión 2Quintero Ramirez, Ingrid Lorena; Gomez Pedraza, Sandra Milena; Pérez Santos, Alexandra SashenkaThis paper shows updates from the past four years in terms of regulation and behavior of the rates of the electricity sector specifically in distribution, according to the voltage level of user connection to this case emphasis will be made on electrical active level 1. Voltage electricity assets voltage level 1 assets are operating at less than 1 kilovolt (kV) voltage. This way you can extend the information in a simple and practical way, as to the duties and rights that the owners of electricity assets voltage level 1 user.Ítem Introducción al quehacer profesional de las estudiantes D.R. Alzate M. y J.A. Avendaño P., en el área de la docencia universitaria en tecnología en sistemas eléctricos de media y baja tensiónAlzate Manchola, Diana Raquel; Avendaño Perdomo, Julieth Alexandra; Ortíz Suárez, Helmuth Edgardo; Pérez Santos, Alexandra SashenkaProfessor Ing. Alexandra Sashenka Pérez Santos, attached to the Faculty of Technology of the Francisco José de Caldas District University, in its Technology programs in Electrical Systems of Medium and Low Voltage and Electrical Engineering by Propedeutic Cycles, and who works as Director of the Research Group GISPUD, through the formulation of the present proposal of degree in Internship, aims to work in two highly sensitive lines within the curricular project: The high rates of non-approval of academic spaces associated with the line of electrical circuits , and the need to promote a seedbed of graduates interested in developing teaching in the Technology and Engineering Programs, as a project of working life full time or part time.Ítem Introducción al quehacer profesional de los estudiantes D.A. Suesca C. y L.S. Vargas T., en el área de la docencia universitaria en tecnología en sistemas eléctricos de media y baja tensiónVargas Tobón, Laura Stefany; Suesca Cortes, Duvan Alfonso; Pérez Santos, Alexandra Sashenka; Ortiz Suárez, Helmuth EdgardoIt is understood as Introduction to the professional work in university teaching the work of degree developed by the student of technology in electricity or technology in electrical systems of medium and low voltage or electrical engineering by propaedeutical cycles. This teaching methodology materialized through graduate work in internship mode involves students at the ends of the training process, called Introduction to professional work in university teaching has as purpose to contribute to the development academic and permanence of the students of the curricular project of technology in electricity, of technology in electrical systems of medium and low, tension or of electrical engineering by propedeutic cycles. Its field of application will be the basic areas of engineering. (Pérez Santos, Proposal of work of degree in internship modality entitled introduction to the professional task in university teaching, 2018, page 1).Ítem Planeamiento versus regulación en la estructura de cargos del nivel de tensión 4 de distribución eléctrica en Colombia(Universidad Distrital Francisco José de Caldas. Colombia) Navarro Sánchez, Henry; Pérez Santos, Alexandra Sashenka