Sistema de control para el consumo de agua residencial basado en reglas
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A rule-based control system for residential water consumption was designed by taking real consumption data from a hydraulic system for 36 days. These data were analyzed and processed in order to simulate the hydraulic system and work on this simulation, implementing a control system based on arithmetic rules. The analysis of the data allowed to carry out a simulation adjusted to the reality of the behavior of the taps in their opening and closing as well as the water consumption depending on the opening percentage. The simulation includes 6 consumption stations. The simulation was programmed in LabVIEW from National Instruments. The system is modeled based on the simulation obtained using the open-loop Ziegler-Nichols method, which bases its method for tuning PID controllers using the experimental response to an input step signal. We proceed with the programming of the control system in the simulation of the system already obtained. Data acquisition systems are created and adapted to include the information obtained in the control systems and arithmetic rules respectively. Rules are created that are based on consumption for a period of time selected by the consumer, percentages of use per season, value of the liter of water. The created rules suggest a water consumption for the next period of time based on the value that the consumer wishes to pay and on the general behavior of the system. Tests are carried out on both the control system and the arithmetic rules implemented, obtaining a reduction in water consumption based on the price that the user wants or can pay for the next period.