El podcast como herramienta para comunicar la importancia de los rituales funerarios de culturas ancestrales
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In the present creative research work, a contextualization is addressed in the first instance around the ways in which the importance of life and death is reflected on in contemporary times, in this way a contrast is made between philosophical, anthropological and sociological views. around concepts such as death, memory, subjectivity, funerary rituals, from the West in contrast to the voices belonging to ancestral cultures of Colombia, based on the above, the podcast is positioned as a tool that allows the dissemination of information about agile and sagacious way in the midst of the computer trends that persist today, in this way the podcast is the vehicle to interact with the voices of some indigenous peoples through their perceptions around life and death, in addition to contrasting with the main theoretical concepts that support this research , then the impact that the podcast has within society will be found based on the relationship communication, education and interdisciplinarity, finally it closes with a balance made from the appropriation and interaction with the product and society, in this case it is observed that the podcast as a computer tool allowed the dissemination of the reflections made and in the process allowed the main objective set for this research-creation to be fulfilled.