Identificación de prácticas ganaderas bovinas y su relación con factores ambientales para una propuesta de lineamientos de sostenibilidad en el municipio del Guamo -Tolima
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A typification of the set of environmental factors of the livestock areas of the municipality was carried out, determining that the geology is given by the fan formation rocks of Guamo, fan relief, annual rainfall of 1000 to 1500 mm, temperature higher than 26 ° C , with soil associations Typic Ustorthents- Lithicudorthents- Typic Natrutalfs and prevalence of the PWHab2 phase, followed by a characterization of the livestock systems based on information provided by the entities and the application of the survey to 22 producers from 9 villages, identifying that Between 80% and 90% of the area of the farms is destined to livestock, 81.8% use the Zebu breed, 77.2% use warm climate pastures, 90.9% carry out paddock rotation and 72.7% do not use stabled pens. On the other hand, by recognizing these two phases, 8 homogeneous units were identified for which guidelines were established in order to promote sustainable livestock in the area, based on the different changes that should be promoted by entities, agencies, institutions and the community. livestock, to achieve a productive activity that protects and conserves natural resources and improves the quality of life of producers.