Análisis del discurso de las concepciones de innovación en los proyectos: premios a la investigación e innovación educativa IDEP desde el 2007 hasta el 2015 y los Premios Compartir al Maestro desde 1999 hasta 2015 en la enseñanza de las ciencias sociales.
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In recent decades has been established at the school the phenomenon of educational innovations as those practices, ideas, processes and strategies that attempt to cause a transformation in traditional educational practices. However, these innovation practices do not have the same impact on the school, this is determined by multiple factors. The above impulse the realization of the research work that has as its central axis the categories of educational innovation and teaching of social sciences with the pre-text of the award-winning experiences at the IDEP (created by the Institute for Educational Research and Educational Development) and the awards share the Master (created by the Foundation share the teacher) to carry out an analysis of the panorama of educational innovations in the country. Here are the discourses that circulate in the award-winning experiences in the area of social sciences with the objective of showing the constitution and transformation of the practices and concepts of educational innovation in Colombia. It is to reflect the speeches that are given in the academic environment in front of the conceptualization of the innovation and its role in the teaching of Social Sciences, finding different perspectives that provide a broad overview of educational innovation.