Viabilidad técnica y financiera de una planta de producción de derivados alimenticios de mango de Hilaza, citrus limón Tahití, melón Cantalupo, naranja Valencia y guayaba común en el departamento del Atlántico.
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Atlantic Colombian region is one of the 3 highest loss fruit in situ or on the farmer's land. Fruit transformation programs are weak in Colombia and require innovation to gives added value. An option could be give a second oportunity to fruits that do not reach international markets or have limited sales to the national market. As a consequence, fresh fruits prices variability would decrease. The fruits with losses and most consumed in Atlántico are: Hilaza Mango, Tahiti Lemon Citrus, Cantaloupe Melon, Valencia Orange and Common Guava. The market study carried out with secondary sources showed potential demand for jams in the medium-high and high strata for people aged 30 and over. Colombia demands is increasing and it is proposed to cover 4% -increase in sales- of the 10% of the new demand. Based on this, in this project was established plant location analysis and formulations and 5 varieties production process. The proposal to manufacture jams in Barranquilla of COP 6,000 per UND ( 200g) have a COP 135,528,870.00 initial investment. The financial study include inflation of 11.44%, TRM of $4,913.24 and an opportunity rate of 30%, which concludes feasibility with COP 194,529,061.99 NPV, 3.17 benefit-cost ratio and 1.12 years payback period. Profit after taxes at first year is COP 55,841,329.01 and fifth year is COP 258,415,750.24.