Calculation of the water consumption rural zone of the la Caja and Rosario rural zone in the municipality of Choachí, inside the Chingaza natural park and its area with damping function
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The research is carried out in two villages located in the municipality of Choachí-Cundinamarca, Colombia; where the calculation of water consumption modules is proposed, considered as an important tool for assigning water flows or volumes to a person, for the development of their activities (Ríos et al., 2010), based on this establishes the main objective of developing a methodology that is adapted to the characteristics and real conditions of the study area. To do this, a secondary information collection and 58 surveys (total of inhabited dwellings present in the study area) are completed, complemented by volumetric gauging in all existing faucets in each property. As a result, it was possible to estimate the daily water consumption per person (180 L/day); for the agricultural sector, the water consumption is determined with respect to the water demand of each crop -calculated based on secondary information and the application of the CROPWAT 8.0 program-; by last, for the livestock sector, the water requirements for each animal were established with respect to secondary information from different authors and environmental authorities. An important product of the project is the loss factor by sector, which was defined based on the literature review. Finally, the modules established for the three sectors (domestic, agricultural and livestock) were adjusted with respect to the needs and customs of the population identified during the field phase in order to obtain values more adjusted to reality.