Cercanías entre la tradición y la academia. Creación de músicas campesinas para el documental "Toda la vida al campo
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This thesis is part of the line of The folk arts and traditional cultures research, since the object of study is the Carranguera country music, a genre that we expect to valorise and improve its dissemination. The research method used is based on the praxeological model: a participatory paradigm of research. The researcher must do an immersion in a community and the fruits of his research (compositions in this case) must be returned to that community, in order to provoke an awareness and appreciation of the studied social practices. The composition process was closely linked to the making of the documentary Toda la vida al campo “All life to the countryside” which was conceived from the beginning as a tribute of the orality and daily life of the people interviewed in the documentary. The première of the documentary, the concerts and the events in which the project was exposed, accomplished the process, because it is a way of dissemination of Carranguera country music and peasant culture. Also they were a way to return something to the community of the village La Requilina, which inhabitants are in the genesis of this project. Also, this project is the result of two different types of knowledge: direct contact with the popular culture and previous musical academic knowledge. This project has inspired us for other future experiences since it has been received with enthusiasm by the public.