Imaginarios sociales sobre infancia de los agentes educativos “Diplomado fiesta de la lectura” Villavicencio, Meta
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This research aimed to investigate the social imaginary about childhood that has a group of educational agents working with early childhood in Colombia, within the training process implemented by the National Pedagogical University (UPN), through the diploma "Reading Party "Of the Catumare association, in Villavicencio Meta in agreement with the Colombian Family Welfare Institute (ICBF). In the development of the Diploma course as a trainer of trainers, it became clear that the practices and actions that the educational agents implemented in their work with the children disagreed very much with the proposal made by the diploma and the Policy of Zero Always (Law 1804 of 2015). In this sense, he initially asked me how to ensure that the proposals on care, education and attention enunciated by the Zero to forever policy really impact the life, realities and possibilities of children, based on the actions of the children. Educational Agents, in front of this initial question it is observed that the actions developed by the educational agents are not only oriented by the principles and aims of the policy and the proposal of training of the diploma, but are also guided by their own beliefs: They say, feel and think about the children they bring from their initial formation and their life project. In this context I wonder what are the relationships that can be established between the imaginary meanings of childhood that have the educational agents attending the Diploma "reading party" with the imaginaries promoted by the state policy for the Integral development of early childhood from zero to always law 1804 of 2016 and how this relationship allows the transformation of the practices that are installed in the processes of education, care, attention and protection of girls and boys from 0 to 6 years old. From this interest then the present investigation is posed as a guiding question: What are the continuities, discontinuities, displacements and interactions that occur between the imaginary meanings of childhood that the educational agents of the diploma "eeading party" have, with the social imaginary of childhood that promotes in the national policy of zero to always in Colombia Law 1804 of 2016 in order to show the construction of new meanings of childhood that contribute to the transformation of the pedagogical practices of this group of educational agents? To answer this question, we undertook this study, which was carried out from a qualitative interpretative approach, assuming the theory of social imaginaries proposed by Cornelius Castoriadis (1975), which is an innovative bet to understand the meanings and actions from which the subjects give meaning to their social action and construct reality, as well as to interpret the ways in which practices and discourses are instituted in society at given times. This theoretical commitment to understand the social and human world has been developed by the children's research group, in the emphasis history, imaginaries and social representations of childhood of the Master in Childhood and Culture and the Specialization in Childhood, Culture and Development of the University District Francisco José de Caldas.