Diseño Metodológico e Implementación del Sistema de Gestión de Seguridad y Salud en el Trabajo en la Empresa de Calzado KIRA ASTRA, Cumpliendo con lo Establecido en Decreto 1072 Del 2015
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This thesis presents the design and implementation of the Health and Safety Management System in a footwear company, based on the decree 1072 of 2015 issued by the Ministry of Labor which is mandatory for companies that are found in Colombian territory. This thesis is developed through three phases, which consist of an initial review of the system making use of tools such as hazard identification, risk assessment, vulnerability identification, legal requirements, among others. After having a base for the system, it is proceeded to generate measures that help to improve the working conditions of the workers such as the establishment of control measures to priority risks, inductions, trainings, creation of committees and brigades, etc. Finally, mechanisms are set up to enable the employee and employer to evaluate the management system, such as audits and indicators, and to establish an annual safety and health work plan.