La Musicoterapia es un volcán de sonidos y movimientos que transforman la vejez, visión desde el desarrollo humano y la educación socioafectiva
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This research presents the explicit articulation between Human Development and Music Therapy, focusing on older people who suffer from high blood pressure. The methodological actions were applied in person at the Alfamédica Medical Center of the Town of Fontibón, in Bogotá, Colombia, where techniques based on musical improvisations were developed, mainly taking the theories of the following music therapy authors: Wigram, Schapira, Bruscia , Stige and Bonny; within a therapeutic morphology of musical improvisation question, followed by a musical improvisation answer, with spoken stories and natural objects used as closures of the sessions. The research exercise concluded that music therapy contributes to the identification and reduction of stress as a risk factor for older people who suffer from high blood pressure; generating in the participants of the sessions playful fun, relaxation acquired in the music therapy processes and awareness in their self-regulated behavioral elements of prevention in their arterial health.