Influencia del arbolado urbano en el confort térmico en espacios abiertos. Caso de estudio en Bogotá D.C. (Colombia)
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This research assesses the influence of urban trees coverage in the thermal comfort by experimental way at four places at Bogotá D.C. The purpose is giving orientations for urban environmental management, build a sustainability and resilient city in front of the growing accelerate and the increasing temperature, by the global warming. At each place, it was analyzed coverage evolution in 78.5 ha, period 2010-2017, using ArcGIS 10.1 and it was compared with its thermal comfort mainly Physiological Equivalent Temperature (PET), using RayMan Pro 3.1 Beta. The results were contrasted with the population perception. The current urban trees influence was assessed with a multivariate model using SPSS Statistics and the future urban trees influence was assessed under climate change sceneries and a possible urban trees coverage variation. The results showed that in months with more temperature variation along day (January, February and December), the places with predominant green coverage (grass and trees), had better conditions of thermal comfort that the places with predominant impervious surface. The surveyed associated these months like the warmest and they are related with the highest temperatures in midday (20-22°C) and these with the minor thermal stress hours, however at the same months were presented the major thermal stress by cold, between 5:00 and 7:00 hours. The findings showed that if in January of 2100, under climate change scenarios RCP 4.5 and RCP 8.5, would have an 10% increasing of 2017-year urban trees coverage at all places, the thermal comfort could decrease 1,6°C at 13:00 hours and increase 1,4°C at 19:00 hours.