Actividades tecnológicas escolares para desarrollar la competencia comunicativa en la lengua extranjera (inglés)
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This research is developed as part of the Master’s program of Technology Education, and documents the implementation of a pedagogical and didactic mediation in eleventh grade students of the Domingo Faustino Sarmiento Technical School in which Technology is integrated with English teaching in an interdisciplinary way. This proposal consists of two School Technological Activities (ATE, Spanish acronym for Actividad Tecnológica Escolar), one based on the Learning Through Construction strategy and the other on the Design strategy, arranged in a B-learning environment under a constructionist model for carrying out practices in educational electronics and programming and design. In all this, the purpose has been to establish how the level of development of Communicative Competence in English is strengthened through the work with ATE. The proposal is based on a mixed research approach within a constructionist methodological framework supported by cooperative learning, which contributes to reflection on pedagogical and didactic methodologies in Technology Education. As a methodological design of the research work, the mixed research approach consists of the simultaneous use of qualitative and quantitative methods, converging dissimilar techniques and positions such as those originating from the historical-hermeneutical paradigm with those of the hypothetical-deductive paradigm. This methodological approach allows to improve the level of understanding of the object of investigation, in accordance with the complexity of educational phenomena. The concurrent triangulation design enables the simultaneous collection and analysis of quantitative and qualitative data. The mediation is carried out with 2 study groups, 12 students from 1101 AS course, and 12 students from 1102 MS course, for a total of 24 participants. To sum up, the research attempts to answer whether there are significant differences in the development of Communicative Competence in English in two groups that work with two different ATE strategies, resulting in the dissimilarities not only depending on the strategy on which the proposal is based, but on other internal and external factors that are expanded in the document.