Análisis multitemporal de la transformación del paisaje en áreas periurbanas del norte de Bogotá D.C. para el periodo 1956 – 2021
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Getting to know the historical changes in the territory are a good reference for the management and conservation of ecosystems located in peri-urban areas of big cities. This study was located in the north of Bogotá D.C. which is a territory with forest reserves and a complex water system made up of wetlands, rivers, streams and canals that are in constant urban expansion tension. The change in cover and its effect on the loss of natural covers and ecosystems over time were analyzed quantitatively. The transformation of the peri-urban territory of the north of Bogotá was analyzed, determining the spatial transformation of the covers and ecosystems for four times corresponding to years 1956, 1977, 1998 and 2021. A visual and supervised classification of covers was carried out, including photo-interpretation for each year applying the four initial levels based on the methodology done by Corine Land Cover (CLC). Spatial multi-temporal analysis of coverage was performed, quantitatively determining the change in coverage over time. Additionally, the calculation of landscape metrics was carried out to identify potential areas to improve structural connectivity. Between the period 1956 and 2021, percentages and the increase or decrease were assessed by calculating the relative variation rate that allowed determining that the forest coverage presented an increase of 1.3% and an increase of 6.64%, currently representing a 20.89% of the territory; water surfaces of lakes, fences, reservoirs, canals increased by 1,02% and the rate increased by 139%; the coverage of humid areas of wetland ecosystems decreased by 7,42%, representing a decrease of - 485%; coverage of agricultural territories decreased by 6.23% with a rate decrease of - 34%, meanwhile the grasses reduced its area by 22,65%with a decreased rate of -71% being in magnitude of area one of the most transformed coverage by the dynamics of change; urbanized areas increased by 22,11 of a total area with an increased rate of 1483.9%. Currently, 68.28% of the study area is natural, semi-natural and agricultural coverage with spatial continuity, ecological attributes, structural connectivity potential, additionally 49.72% of the analysis area has different categories of ecosystem protection included within the Main Ecological Structure (EEP) of Bogotá DC; These areas spatially constitute continuous areas with strategic proximity to manage and improve structural connectivity, conservation, adaptive management and ecological restoration.