Diagnóstico de la situación higiénico sanitaria en el pabellon no.5 del establecimiento carcelario (buen pastor) en la ciudad de Bogotá D.C.
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This document is the final grade report in the modality of research, requirement for getting the title of environmental sanitation engineer granted by the District University of Bogotá. The research “hygienic diagnosis and sanitary situation within Pavilion No. 5 of establishment prison –El Buen Pastor–in the city of Bogotá D.C. 2016”, take as reference the Surveillance and Hygienic Control Sanitary Inspection Act of the Jail, during 2015, which is on file in San Cristobal ESE Hospital and was prepared by the Department of Public Health. This document concludes the final grade report and serves as the basis for future investigative processes in the phase of fieldwork research.
The aim of the research is to describe the hygienic-sanitary conditions in which the enclosure is in relation with the minimum conditions under which the prisoners must be indoors the Pavilion No. 5. This study is delimited to the 2015-2016 period, and allows, starting from a critical and comparative analysis with the norm, legally attach the dynamic relationship between health, welfare and sanity of the prisoners confined within the penitentiary.
The development project encompassed 3 main phases: 1) data collection, 2) inspection, 3) analysis and verification. With these data took place a theoretical approximation to the condition and the actual state in which facilities are located within the penitentiary, in order to defining appropriate tools to focus the study objective and the applicability in areas where is issued an unfavorable concept for inmates.
During the review of the inspection reports provided by the public entity, it was verified the sanitary concept for the penitentiary in order to establish the progress and improvements made by the institution so that on future visits can be given a favorable concept in regard to the deficiencies that where found by the Department of Public Health within the penitentiary, according to the law 9 of 1979 in the Title V -saneamiento de edificaciones- and in the ordinances that apply for these establishments.