Apoyo al desarrollo de portales empresariales en el marco de la propuesta de valor del contrato SENA-UD CO1.PCCNTR.2564825 de 2021 suscrito entre el Sena y la Universidad Distrital Francisco José de Caldas. Gestor digital 22
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SENA's Emprender FE Fund, as a public entity, encourages and facilitates the generation and creation of companies contributing to human development and insertion in the productive sector, contributing to the social and economic development of the country through seed capital support to finance the proposed venture. The Francisco José de Caldas District University was selected by the FE as operator for the 2021 and 2022 terms, therefore, within the proposal presented by the UD to SENA, was offered within the value proposal, the development of systems and information for the modernization of the fund and the development of portals business for beneficiary entrepreneurs. The objective of the internship is to support the development of business portals (web) to the enterprises designated by the area of Design and Development of the operation contract of the SENA-UD Emprender Fund CO1.PCCNTR.2564825 of 2021, where e-commerce modules are developed, incorporation of online sales tools (payment gateway), Frontend and Backend design for designated portals. Simultaneously to this process, knowledge is acquired with SCRUM certification, using tools such as HTML, CSS, JavaScript, PHP and Python. He performs the internship which will take place in the city of Bogotá D.C., at the University Francisco José de Caldas District, with a duration of three months.