Pasantía: auxiliar de ingeniería en Haus desarrollos inmobiliarios S.A.S
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This work contains the description of the functions carried out by an intern from the Francisco Jose de Caldas District University in the company Haus Desarrollos Inmobiliarios SAS, in the administrative area, focused on the supply of tools, materials and equipment in the BALZANI project, carrying out inventories initials, inventory entry and exit kardex, adequacy of warehouse spaces and support for the technical area. In this process, deficiencies were identified in the activities carried out by the storekeeper, which contributes to the implementation of a management system that contains characterization sheets of the tools, materials and equipment that present greater movements, which are part of the stage of finishes, manual and digital inventory formats to obtain information in real time and an instruction manual for warehouse management, in order to guarantee an optimization of resources for the development of the work.