Diseño de plan para el manejo y control del camarón jumbo (penaeus monodon, fabricius, 1798) en el Caribe Colombiano
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The Jumbo Shrimp (Penaeus monodon) is an exotic marine invasive species with high potential for invasion and risk for the native biodiversity and ecosystems of the Colombian Caribbean, listed in Resolution No. 0207 of 2010 “By which it is added to the list of invasive alien species declared by the first article of Resolution 848 of 2008 and other determinations are made” currently presents an area of invasion that covers the entire Colombian Caribbean, for these reasons this document has two main purposes, the first; design a Plan for the Management and Control of Jumbo Shrimp (Penaeus monodon) in the Colombian Caribbean, and, the second; serve as a technical input for the Ministry of Environment and Sustainable Development. To achieve these two purposes, an analysis was made of primary and secondary information sources related to the presence of Jumbo Shrimp (Penaeus monodon) in the Colombian Caribbean and the risk it represents for biodiversity and ecosystem services. Additionally, through a methodological approach called “Logical Framework” it was possible to identify, order, lead and guide actions towards the integral development of management strategies for the control and management of Jumbo Shrimp (Penaeus monodon). Likewise, it was designed and created didactic material for the community in order to generate public awareness about the impacts that this invasive species can generate in the different ecosystems of the country. According to the analysis of results, it was evidenced that Penaeus monodon is a species that has a very particular peculiarity that differentiates it from the other penaeid species, and that is, its vertiginous rate of growth and large size, which becomes three and up to four times larger than a native shrimp species (a feature shared with most invasive species used for productive systems) this results in a great challenge if analyzed from the Natural Resources Management to the extent that its dispersion in the Caribbean Colombian has become a kind of bycatch, which has generated the majority of fishermen direct their interest in this species, running a high risk at this level not only native biodiversity and ecosystem services but also the health of people that already began to consume it, and in other scenarios to market it. For this reason, the design of this Plan is considered one of the most important strategies to prevent the conversion of Penaeus monodon from Invasive Exotic Species to “Domesticated” for productive uses and promotion of possible incentives by the State.