Cuatro paráfrasis sobre los preludios corales BWV 599, 606,617 y 622 para órgano de J. S. Bach en formato de dúo de piano a cuatro manos, basadas en la teología de la reforma protestante
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Considering the valuable repertoire written for organ, the difficulty of access to the organs of Bogotá and the lack of repertoire for piano four hands format, this work presents a paraphrase exercise between the organ and the piano four-hands, from four Chorale Preludes of the Orgelbuchlein of j S Bach. The exercise is proposed as paraphrase because it responds to subjective interpretation of the Lutheran Theological thinking that defined the music of Bach, specifically in the coral practice. It is assumed the importance of religious belief and his influence in musical exercise, as fundamental axis which turned into the process and outcome of four paraphrases, presenting a new repertoire for piano four hands format with meanings that enrich the music performance practice.