Formando ciudadanos y sujetos políticos desde la perspectiva del volver a la escuela. Aciertos y oportunidades
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This is a research work of pedagogical, sociological and political type with population living in infringement of Usme in Bogota. It takes place in a public educational institution registered in the program “Back to School” of the Secretary education of the Bogotá city bringing together young students in different educational overage applicant experiences to his repeated academic failures or life situations which led them to drop out of system school in the past. The theorist framework was built on the approach to the literature into four categories. At first training political education at school, secondly the social responsibility of the school with situations of rights violations, and third category school experiences with overage population and finally the narrative in the life history as resilient possibility. This research exercise, begins of analysis of the particular experience of this institution since the collection of information with members of the educational community. Subsequently it became an approach to students with life stories of impact that are part of the program and which they were linked to the investigation directly. Part of the research findings assume in the narrative potential of young students, the impact generated with their narratives closeness to social dilemmas that allow collective learnings. Respecting the impress of school processes in the formation of political subject in the school, it found that attempts of this experience are insufficient to the practices of the adult world. The situations of social decomposition through community work, difficult the political empowerment because it has naturalized drug consummation, young delinquency as a means of satisfying needs, buying and selling of votes at election time, among others practices. In spite of the strong life experiences of children and young school students they are resilient, seeks solutions, they have hope and continue. Finally, it can be concluded that the school as micro stage is a research space and a chance for fundamental transformation, the mediation between the adult world and the youth practices are learning opportunities that give back to school its emancipatory role.