Cartilla de intervención para el manejo de los factores de riesgo psicosocial extralaboral
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Psychosocial risks are those aspects of work, the organization and its social and environmental contexts that have the potential to cause psychological, social and physical harm (Torrez Campuzano and Llorca-Rubio, 2020). In the Colombian context, Resolution 2646 of 2008 established that employers have the responsibility to collect information from their workers regarding psychosocial risk factors of use of free time, commuting time and means of transportation, membership in support networks, housing characteristics and access to health services, in addition to carrying out actions for the intervention of these and other psychosocial factors and their effects. This document contains in referential framework in which theoretical considerations and study background related to the identification of extralaboral psychosocial risk factors and possible intervention measures are addressed, followed by the conceptualization of the extralaboral psychosocial risk factors recognized in the Colombian regulatory framework and the legal framework. Secondly, it describes the methodological approach and structure used to achieve the objectives set out the fulfillment of the proposed objectives. Thirdly, the results of the development of the proposed methodology are presented. Finally, the conclusions and recommendations are stated and the bibliography consulted is listed.