Diseño eléctrico para el centro educativo Abel Rodríguez Céspedes
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The District, headed by the mayor's office, in its government and urban development plan proposes the construction of schools and educational institutions with access facilities for the entire population without any type of exclusion. Since one of the relevant specialties for the optimal development of the project is the electrical specialty, the design of the electrical installations for the Abel Rodríguez Céspedes school located in the city of Bogotá DC in the Engativá district, which has five modules named from A to E and each with four floors, is proposed. The lighting design, equipment sizing, selection of equipment for an RCI, design of medium and low voltage networks and design of the associated substation are presented, making use of current regulations such as RETIE, RETILAP, NTC 2050, NTC 4552 among others, so that all the requirements, needs and specifications for the realization of a Series 3 plan of the Network Operator ENEL COLOMBIA SA ESP are considered. In addition, it consolidates the development of the degree project as a modality of internship to opt for the title of Electrical Engineer of the UNIVERSIDAD DISTRITAL FRANCISCO JOSÉ DE CALDAS where the impacts of the internship, scopes, analysis of results and conclusions among others, that were carried out in the realization of the electrical design are raised.