Imaginarios sociales sobre las experiencias pedagógicas que han vivenciado los niños y las niñas antes, durante y después de la pandemia Covid–19
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The following investigation gives an account of an exercise of inquiry, analysis and interpretation since the voices of the boys and girls around the imaginaries they have built about the pedagogical experiences they lived before, during and after the pandemic. This in order to generate a reflection on their participation in the transformation of educational practices, carried out with the third-grade students from Gerardo Paredes school. The work is approached from the qualitative paradigm, with a phenomenological focus. This is organized in three phases. Phase 1: investigation of background and theoretical constructions around the social imaginaries that are built by little boys and girls about the pedagogical practices and experiences. As well as the categories of analysis that guide the work. The phase 2, which consist in the implementation of research instruments, information collection through iconography, semistructured interview and focus group. Phase 3. Triangulation of the findings through the categories of analysis and research objectives. The investigation allows to reveal five imaginaries about pedagogical experience and practice that are interpreted from the children voices before, during and after the pandemic. It is concluded that are still instituted imaginaries about childhood and pedagogical practice by adults that permeate the actions that are aimed at childhood, which place children in the role of passive subjects, knowledge receivers, moldable and obedient. At the same time, it is recognized the importance of this, and educative professionals and society are invited to listen to the opinions desires, feelings, knowledge and interest of children in order to contribute to real transformations for the cultural and social contexts they inhabit.