Biotecnología aplicada al mejoramiento de la physalis peruviana l. (variedad dorada) mediante la irradiación de rayos gamma emitidos por el radioisótopo cobalto-60
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In this study, the application of physical mutagenesis induced by cobalt-60 gamma radiation in seeds of Physalis peruviana L. ecotype Colombia golden variety was investigated, in order to generate genetic mutations that could improve their resistance to diseases and their viability. Dosimetric treatments of 100, 200, 300 and 400 Gy were carried out, followed by tests to evaluate germination, viability and seed development. It was determined that the optimal dose range is between 100 and 200 Gy, showing favorable development and a high percentage of germination, while doses greater than 300 Gy generated morphological aberrations in the root, which could affect long-term survival. . Furthermore, uniformity was observed in the length of the root and hypocotyl, indicating that irradiation generated significant effects on these structures. These findings suggest the potential of physical mutagenesis to improve the characteristics of cape gooseberry, thus contributing to its cultivation and export internationally.