Licenciatura en Química
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Ítem Estudio de la respuesta inmune contra péptidos derivados de mycobacterium tuberculosis, como parte del desarrollo de una vacuna sintética de subunidadesGarzón Espinosa , Michel Valentina; Cifuentes Ocampo, Marisol; Cifuentes Ocampo, Marisol [0000-0001-9764-0052]This work is based on the activities, techniques and methodologies carried out at the Fundación Instituto de Inmunología de Colombia (FIDIC) in the Chemical Synthesis and Tuberculosis groups for an investigation that is part of the development of a synthetic vaccine that seeks to characterize synthetic peptides of Mycobacterium tuberculosis, strain H37Rv, in order to generate a long-term alternative that protects against infection by this bacillus, through the mechanisms of the adaptive immune system. To this end, immunochemical tests and immunoassays are performed with different antigens, purified immunoglobulin G, isolated neutrophils, apoptotic bodies and the monocyte-derived macrophage cell line U937.Ítem Producción de Chlorella vulgaris para la fabricación del fertilizante orgánico mineral (Microcell) en la empresa Labgae S.A.S. mediante el mantenimiento axénico del cepario de la microalga(Universidad Distrital Francisco José de Caldas) Osma Peña, Ingrid Mayerli; Becerra Galindo , Luis FranciscoThe company LABGAE S.A.S is dedicated to the production and marketing of mineral organic fertilizer based on the microalgae Chlorella vulgaris. These fertilizers work as biostimulants in plants, developing or greater resistance to stress conditions such as drought, heat waves, winter and some diseases developed by pathogens. The main function in the laboratory is to maintain the axenic development of Chlorella vulgaris as well as its biomass production to later be added to the fertilizer in its production process.Ítem Acompañamiento académico en el área de ciencias naturales/química a estudiantes de quinto y séptimo en situación de discapacidad del Colegio Villas del Progreso(Universidad Distrital Francisco José de Caldas) Castañeda Quesada, Sara Gabriela; Mosquera Suarez, Carlos Javier; Mosquera Suarez, Carlos Javier [0000-0001-8640-0803]This document highlights the experiences and learning during the internship carried out at the Villas del Progreso School located in the town of Bosa, in the Santa Fe neighborhood during the first two academic periods of the institution in the year 2024. The internship had as main objective the design of didactic units, in the area of chemistry, suitable in the teaching-learning process for the population with disabilities in the fifth and seventh grades of the morning session. Three main areas of focus stand out: inquiry into advances in experimental science teaching, flexibility in implemented activities, and evaluating results.Ítem Estado del empleo de aceites esenciales obtenidos de plantas para el control del biodeterioro de materiales documentales en bibliotecas públicas de Centro y SuraméricaMoreno Espinosa , Jessica Natalia; Devia Castillo, Beatriz OfeliaThis review study presents the results obtained in the development of the use of essential oils derived from various plants in order to control the biodeterioration of documentary materials displayed in public libraries in Central and South America. For this purpose, different databases such as Scopus, Science Direct, Web of Science, Taylor and Francis, institutional repositories such as that of the Universidad Distrital Francisco José de Caldas (RIUD), the Universidad Nacional de la Plata (SeDiCI) and the Google Scholar search engine were used. Seven investigations were found in Central and South America (2 from Cuba, 1 from Argentina, 1 from Bolivia and 3 from the collaboration between Cuba and Argentina) where native and exotic plants were studied, evidencing 3 species studied in common (Piper auritum, Syzygium aromaticum L, Origanum vulgare L, Thymus vulgaris, L and Allium sativum) with Piper auritum being native (Mexico to Colombia), in these common active components are identified in plants such as Origanum vulgare, Thymus vulgaris, Satureja boliviana, Piper auritum and Citrus aurantium, including linalool, thymol and carvacrol. Thymol and carvacrol, more effective as antimicrobials and antifungals than linalool, whose main activity is to increase the permeability of the cell membrane, inhibiting key metabolic pathways. A comparison of these studies was made at an international level, finding that the most advanced country in terms of research on essential oils and their application as a natural biocide in cultural heritage is Italy, followed by other European countries (Portugal, Serbia, Malta, Poland, Greece and Romania). In both regions, basic techniques are used for the extraction of oils (steam distillation and hydrodistillation), however, advanced techniques are also used in Italy (supercritical CO2 extraction and cold pressing). It is observed that there are plants that are worked both in Central and South America as well as in European countries, these are Lavandula angustifolia, Origanum vulgare, Thymus vulgaris and Rosmarinus officinalis, with active compounds such as linalool, 1,8-cineole, thymol and carvacrol.Ítem Hacia una educación inclusiva: aplicación de diseños curriculares flexibles en la construcción de espacios educativos libres de barrerasMendoza Castiblanco, Julián Eduardo; Mosquera Suárez, Carlos Javier; Mosquera Suárez, Carlos Javier [0000-0001-8640-0803]The present work entitled Towards an inclusive education: application of flexible curriculum designs in the construction of barrier-free educational spaces, is presented in the regulatory framework of the Francisco José de Caldas District University in agreement 012 of December 13, 2022, which regulates the guidelines for the development of degree work for undergraduate students, under this framework, an agreement of wills is made between the Francisco José de Caldas District University and the Villemar el Carmen District Educational Institution where the conditions and requirements of the work to be carried out in the institution, understanding that the educational institution carries out the inclusion process in the classrooms governed by decree 1421 of August 29, 2017, which defines inclusive education and allows evidence of the final work carried out in the institution, the which had a general impact in the area of Natural Sciences. It was organized into 3 chapters as follows: Chapter 1: Design and application of relevant and flexible curricular proposals; Chapter 2: Linkage and relationship of the individual reasonable adjustment plan; and Chapter 3: Contributions to the NEEIS seminar from the praxis in the internship.Ítem Estudio de la actividad bactericida de los ácidos húmicos extraídos del carbón - una revisión computacional.Ramirez Yances , Laura Stefania; Jiménez Montoya , Jesús Álvaro; Sarmiento Monsalve, Jeymy Tatiana; Sarmiento Monsalve, Jeymy Tatiana [0000-0002-5994-8387]This work presents a literature review on the application of technological tools in the identification and classification of humic acids (HA), with a particular focus on their potential medicinal use. The study highlights computational molecular dynamics as an advanced tool successfully applied to analyze the molecular complexity and chemical structure of HA at the molecular scale. The study covers various application areas of humic acids, emphasizing their relevance in medicine. Despite the interest in developing drugs from HA, the limited amount of research in this area is acknowledged, though the potential of these compounds as functional agents in the prevention and treatment of various diseases is noted. The review identifies computational simulators, such as molecular dynamics (MD) simulations, which allow for the presentation of the structure and properties of HA related to drug development. These computational models facilitate the estimation of the macroscopic properties of humic substances and their contrast with chemical composition. Additionally, artificial neural network models have been developed, trained on infrared and visible spectra, to estimate the biological activity of HA. Regarding the action pathways of HA on bacterial inhibition, molecular dynamics simulations have provided valuable insights into the molecular structure and properties of humic substances at the atomic scale. This is crucial for understanding the mechanisms of interaction between HA and bacteria, suggesting that their antimicrobial activity may be related to the chemical structure and functional groups present. The study also explores the importance of molecular dynamics as an essential tool in research, allowing the study of a system's evolution over time. In the field of drug discovery, the crucial role of molecular docking is highlighted, facilitating the exploration and prediction of interactions between candidate molecules and their biological targets. Specific studies employing molecular dynamics simulations and humic substance models to explore macroscopic properties and estimate the biological activity of peat-derived HA through artificial neural networks are mentioned. In the final discussion, it is acknowledged that despite advances in computational simulations, challenges remain, especially the need for more sophisticated models and greater computational capacity. Additionally, the importance of experimental validation is emphasized to ensure the accuracy of simulated results.Ítem Potencialidad antifúngica de Guazuma ulmifolia frente a Fusarium oxysporum(Universidad Distrital Francisco José de Caldas) Beltrán Arcia, Keren; Martínez Duarte , Linda Katerine; Castrillón Cardona, William Fernando; Matulevich Peláez, Javier Andrés; Matulevich Peláez, Javier Andrés [0000-0002-6346-510X]The present research focused on determining the antifungal potential of the Guazuma ulmifolia species, located in the department of Tolima, establishing its inhibitory effect against Fusarium oxysporum, a phytopathogenic fungus that affects horticultural, fruit and flower crops. The methodology included the approach to the chemical identity of the species through qualitative methods (preliminary phytochemical study and tentative identification of compounds by gas chromatography coupled to mass spectrometry) and quantitative methods (quantification of total phenols and flavonoids). In this sense, the presence of secondary metabolites such as phenolic compounds, flavonoids, terpenes, quinones, tannins, carotenoids, alkaloids were preliminarily determined and the presence of cardiotonics in this plant species was reported for the first time. In addition, a study was carried out to evaluate its antifungal was also carried out to evaluate its antifungal activity using the poisoned medium methodology, in which the extracts (ethanolic) and fractions (hexane, dichloromethane and ethyl acetate) of the leaves of G. ulmifolia species were evaluated, dichloromethane and ethyl acetate) of the leaves of G. ulmifolia species were evaluated at concentrations of 5000, 3000, 3000, 3000, 3000, 3000 and 3000 concentrations of 5000, 3000, 2000, 2000, 1500, 1000, 500 and 250 mg/L, obtaining favorable results in the inhibition of the the mycelial growth inhibition, highlighting the ethyl acetate fraction of the the ethyl acetate fraction which shows the highest inhibition, since it shows a %ICM of 95.44%. of 95.44% and an IC50 of 47.76 mg/L, which can be attributed to high contents of phenolic compounds and flavonoids, among other secondary metabolites that provide biological activity to the plants.Ítem Propuesta mesocurricular para el área de ciencias naturales y educación ambiental de una institución educativa de básica y media desde un enfoque intercultural.García Cubillos , Dilan Andrey; Gamboa Angel, Deisy Natalia; Mosquera Suárez , Carlos Javier; Mosquera Suárez , Carlos Javier [0000-0001-8640-0803]This project presents a proposal for a mesocurricular design for the area of Natural Sciences and Environmental Education for fifth grade, from an intercultural approach. The proposal seeks to integrate conventional scientific knowledge with ancestral knowledge from various ethnic communities, promoting respect for cultural diversity and the appreciation of traditions, through the construction of competencies that allow the appreciation and learning of different skills, attitudes and content with both approaches.Ítem Las imágenes de ciencia y su impacto en la alfabetización científica frente a las concepciones de la energía nuclear en estudiantes de educación mediaRodríguez Rodríguez, Angela Tatiana; Mosquera Suárez, Carlos Javier; Mosquera Suárez, Carlos Javier [0000-0001-8640-0803]The present mixed-cut research aimed to identify predominant images in relation to science and Socio-scientific (CSC) and Socio-environmental Issues (CSA) as nuclear energy in middle school students, with a belonging to the 10th grade of the Colegio Nacional Nicolás Esguerra District Educational Institution, located in the town of Kennedy, in the city of Bogotá, Colombia; the sample was constituted by 73 students from this educational institution. This identification of previous images was developed in order to generate a transformation of the same through the application of a didactic unit designed within the framework of this research, composed by activities such as test of previous ideas, post test and group and individual debates, evaluated by rubrics, built up in the same research. The application of this teaching unit led to an improvement in the level of scientific literacy of students in relation to nuclear energy, evidenced by the results of the qualification based on the respective headings and by the transformation of their perceptions and ideas, observed in the post test. Also, a change in the predominant science images of students was identified with respect to the process of scientific consolidation and science education, transforming them from traditional images to contemporary images. It is thus concluded that the implementation of dynamic strategies within the theoretical nuclei of each academic level, involving aspects of great social interest such as CSC and CSA, generate learning of high significance for students, Increasing their level of knowledge and developing analytical, argumentative, understanding and communicative skills in them.Ítem Sustancias químicas aplicadas en el sur del departamento del Tolima en los municipios de Coyaima, Ortega y purificación una aproximación al análisis de su efecto medioambientalTraslaviña Cepeda, Luisa Fernanda; Sanchez Garcia, Luis Carlos; [0000-0003-1215-7403]Agrochemikalien sind Substanzen, die als Düngemittel, Herbizide und Pestizide verwendet werden. Die wahllose Verwendung dieser Substanzen kann ein Faktor für die Pathologien oder registrierten medizinischen Symptome sein, von Vergiftungen oder Dermatitis über Missbildungen bis hin zum Tod, entweder durch Kontakt oder durch menschlichen Verzehr. In den Dörfern des Departements Tolima, in den Gemeinden Coyaima, Ortega und Purificación wurde ein hoher Einsatz landwirtschaftlicher Betriebsmittel festgestellt, der auf agrochemischen Praktiken ohne Regulierung beruht. 72% gehören zu selektiven und nicht selektiven Herbiziden, darunter GlifosateTM in verschiedenen Konzentrationen. In ähnlicher Weise werden Agrochemikalien aufgezeichnet, die zu einem hohen Grad an Kontamination und gesundheitlichen Veränderungen führen, wenn sie nicht ordnungsgemäß als Düngemittel (AlisinTM und Triple 15TM), Insektizide wie Lorsban 480TM und Antiparasitika wie IvomecTM verwendet werden. Diese Substanzen können in allen strategischen Ökosystemen eine höhere Verschmutzungsrate verursachen und Auswirkungen wie den Tod von Bestäubungsmitteln, Wasserverschmutzung, erhöhten Treibhauseffekt und Bodenerosion verursachen. Es kann auch negative Auswirkungen auf die Tiergesundheit geben, wie den Tod bestäubender Arten oder Arten, deren Funktion die Rehabilitation der Umwelt ist, in diesem Fall des Regenwurms, und teratogene Auswirkungen auf den Menschen, die durch den übermäßigen Einsatz von Agrochemikalien in diesem Sektor verursacht werden. Desinformation bei der Anwendung dieser Agrochemikalien kann zu irreversiblen Schäden in den Gemeinden und ihrer Bevölkerung führen. Es müssen staatliche Vorschriften zum Schutz der Pijao-Gemeinschaft und der in der Region angesiedelten indigenen Reservate festgelegt werden.Ítem Diseño de un plan de estudios para ciencias naturales en los grados de bachillerato básico, en el contexto rural de la Institución Educativa Ramón Arroyave sede La Palestina ubicada en Vistahermosa (Meta)Ariza Mogollon, Yeison Estiven; Araujo Oviedo, María LuisaThis internship report presents the educational institution Ramon Arroyave, which in its rural context faces great geographical, economic, and administrative challenges; one of the main problems that the institution has, is the deficit of administrative staff at the headquarters of La Palestina, reason why some teachers must in turn perform secretarial, coordination, and even school farmers. Through the internship we seek the development of a curriculum based on basic standards of competencies and basic learning rights, actively integrating the rural context of the territory, thus facilitating the design and development of educational projects that are integrated with the agricultural vocation of the institution.Ítem La huerta escolar como recurso didáctico para la enseñanza de las ciencias naturalesFlórez Mogollón, David Camilo; García Camacho , Laura Catalina; Muñoz Albarracín, Liz Mayoly; Ramos Rincón, Jaidith Marisol; Muñoz Albarracín, Liz Mayoly [0000-0002-7486-8166]; Ramos Rincón, Jaidith Marisol [0000-0003-0995-6327]This research focuses on the development of a didactic primer on the school garden in which challenge-based learning and didactic sequencing are integrated.Ítem Informe de pasantía como modalidad de grado como analista senior de control de calidad en laboratorios Ryan de ColombiaRubio Gómez, Julián David; García Sánchez, Luis Carlos; García Sánchez, Luis Carlos [0000-0003-1215-7403]The internship as a degree option was carried out in a laboratory in the pharmaceutical sector under the position of senior analyst, which requires a qualified professional in the area of chemistry to carry out various operational activities typical of the pharmaceutical industry. There, the intern was faced with an industrial work environment, in which he had to apply the knowledge acquired at the university to perform multiple functions such as HPLC chromatography, validation of analytical methodologies, documentary support and various physicochemical analyses. Additionally, he had to comply with the requirements made by the quality control laboratory, following a schedule, with specific functions that were duly detailed and recorded under the company's documentary system, allowing it to be demonstrated that the development of the activities was carried out appropriately according to the business guidelines. These activities allowed the intern to develop skills in other fields of knowledge, since through his daily operations in the laboratory he was able to connect his scientific knowledge with his practical skills, thus developing new competencies that allowed his professional growth.Ítem Enseñanza de la química por resolución de problemas planteados en el laboratorio para ciclo v en la jornada tarde del colegio liceo femenino mercedes Nariño de Bogotá D.C.Rozo Garzon, Hixhel Valentina; Delgado Gomez, Miguel Angel; Delgado Gomez Miguel Angel [ 0000-0002-5832-5831]This study focused on evaluating the effectiveness of chemistry teaching based on problem solving in the laboratory to improve the academic performance of 11th grade students at the Mercedes Nariño Women's High School. Considering that chemistry is a fundamental discipline and that problem solving is a proven pedagogical strategy, it was hypothesized that this methodology could enhance the students' meaningful learning. Through the implementation of practical activities in the laboratory, we sought to promote the development of skills such as critical thinking, analysis and problem solving, while promoting greater interest and motivation in chemistry.Ítem Ampliación de canales de seguimiento y estandarización de eventos de encuentros con los egresados del proyecto curricular de Licenciatura en Química(Universidad Distrital Francisco José de Caldas) Gil Giraldo, Lesly Julieth; Becerra Galindo, Luis FranciscoThis document addresses the regulatory framework and efforts aimed at establish effective contact with the graduates of the Bachelor's Curricular Project in Chemistry (PCLQ). Quality standards applicable to undergraduate programs are highlighted in universities and higher education entities, as well as the evaluation that graduates have about the services offered by both the curricular project and the office of institutional well-being. This evaluation is carried out through the application of a survey, whose The objective is to know and analyze the opinions and perceptions of the graduates regarding the services available.Ítem Análisis de la expresión del GEN IGF-I identificado como oncogén en células de glioma de ratón parentales y transfectadas usando estrategia de terapia génica por triple hélice y anti sentido.Castillo Higuera, Leidy TatianaCancer is one of the diseases that has generated the highest mortality rate in recent times, being glioblastoma the most common brain cancer, between 2 to 19 cases / 100,000 inhabitants per year have been found in the last decade in Colombia (WHO) [1], this type of cancer corresponds to a primary tumor of the central nervous system (CNS) and occurs in the glial cells located on the sides of the neurons, various investigations indicate that it originates from an alteration in the hormonal signaling routes that regulate cell proliferation and survival causing uncontrolled division that originates the formation of tumors and inhibits programmed cell death, the alterations can be caused by acquired or inherited genetic mutations. Different studies of this type of cancer have determined that an increase in the level of expression of the gene that encodes the protein called Insulin-Like Growth Factor type I (IGF-I) is related to the appearance of glioblastoma, being considered as an oncogene. The IGF-I protein is similar to insulin in function and structure, and is a member of the family of proteins that are involved in mediating cell growth and development. Several strategies have been used to treat this disease, but no significant impact has been found on the treatment of this type of cancer or on the life expectancy of patients. Therefore, the aim of this study was to use antisense and triple helix gene therapy to regulate the expression levels of the IGF-I gene in glioblastoma-type cancer at the Genetics and Chronicles Laboratory of the National Institute of Health and the Biochemistry and Molecular Biology Research Group of the Francisco José de Caldas District University. For this, somatic cells of the mouse glioma cell line C6 were used, which were cultured and transfected by lipofection method with the expression vectors pAnti – IGF-I and pMT-EP that had inserted respectively a 540 bp sequence (antisense) and a 23 bp sequence (triple helix). To evaluate the expression levels of the IGF-I gene of the cells, mRNA extraction, quantification and analysis by RT-PCR were performed before and after being subjected to treatment. Also, a fragment of the IGF-I gene from the samples of the mouse glioma cell line C6, frontal cancer and malignant brain tumor (glioma) were sequenced by capillary electrophoresis to determine if there were differences between their sequences with respect to a normal control (white blood cell DNA). The optimal medium for the growth of glioblastoma-type cells was found to be DMEM - Glutamax, for transfection the optimal amount of vector - lipofectamine was found to be 1.5 uL (1: 1 ratio), it was also observed that the time of complex formation between lipofectamine and expression vector was 20 minutes and the optimal exposure time of the cells for the complexes to enter the cytosol was 6 hours. The quantitative real-time PCR study using taqman probes specific for IGF-I cDNA demonstrated a decrease in gene expression of 80% when triple helix therapy was used, compared to the antisense strategy where a 60% inhibition in gene expression was observed. When comparing the sequence of the IGF-I gene fragment from samples from the C6 mouse glioma cell line, frontal cancer, and malignant brain tumor (glioma), no mutations were found, indicating that this type of cell only presents alterations in the IGF-I gene in its degree of expression and not in its sequence. These findings are promising and allow us to propose new research in human cells in vitro and in vivo so that in the future they can be used in humans through the use of cell therapy with the purpose of obtaining vaccines to reduce mortality from this type of cancer that currently constitutes a public health problem worldwide.Ítem Análisis comparativo entre memoria semántica y aprendizaje significativo en los ciclos III, IV y V del colegio rafael maría carrasquillaSarmiento Lozano, Mary Yaneth; Araujo, María LuisaThe internship focuses on addressing the perception of "laziness" towards learning chemistry in cycles III, IV and V of the Educational Institution Colegio Rafael Carrasquilla in Bogota. The aim is to analyse and compare semantic memory and meaningful learning strategies to improve the teaching of chemistry and increase student interest. The importance of teaching chemistry lies in its application to concrete problems and the need to overcome the negative perception of the subject. Semantic memory and meaningful learning are key concepts in the internship, as it will analyse how they influence the acquisition of chemical concepts. The methodology involves classroom observations, interviews and questionnaires, and aspects such as concept retention and the construction of semantic networks will be assessed. The results indicate that effective pedagogical strategies that promote meaningful learning and the formation of strong semantic networks are applied. Students attribute real meaning to chemical concepts and create connections to their everyday life. Comparison of concepts learned in different cycles reveals progress in the construction of semantic memory and the achievement of meaningful learning in chemistry, which contributes to overcoming the perception of "laziness" towards the subject.Ítem Políticas públicas de la licenciatura en química: una perspectiva desde la práctica pedagógicaMonsalve Barrera, María Camila; Oviedo Araujo, María LuisaPublic policies in education are fundamental for the progress of a country, taking into account that they are guidelines for that they are guidelines for implementation based on economic growth and development, as well as on the development plans of each government. Development plans of each government. In the specific case of Colombia, educational policies In the specific case of Colombia, educational policies play a crucial role in several aspects that influence the educational system. that can be oriented towards improving equity and access to education. This involves ensuring that all people, regardless of their socioeconomic background, have equal opportunities to receive a quality education. Equal opportunities to receive a quality education. Public policies define quality standards and establish mechanisms to evaluate and improve the quality of education. Quality of education, including the development of effective curricula, teacher education and training, and the and training of teachers, and the implementation of evaluation and monitoring systems. The investment in education contributes to the creation of a more skilled and competitive workforce, benefiting the competitive workforce, which benefits economic growth and innovation.Ítem Biotecnología aplicada al mejoramiento de la physalis peruviana l. (variedad dorada) mediante la irradiación de rayos gamma emitidos por el radioisótopo cobalto-60Cubillos Jiménez, Miguel Ángel; Rodríguez Quintana, Camila Andrea; Becerra Galindo, Luis FranciscoIn this study, the application of physical mutagenesis induced by cobalt-60 gamma radiation in seeds of Physalis peruviana L. ecotype Colombia golden variety was investigated, in order to generate genetic mutations that could improve their resistance to diseases and their viability. Dosimetric treatments of 100, 200, 300 and 400 Gy were carried out, followed by tests to evaluate germination, viability and seed development. It was determined that the optimal dose range is between 100 and 200 Gy, showing favorable development and a high percentage of germination, while doses greater than 300 Gy generated morphological aberrations in the root, which could affect long-term survival. . Furthermore, uniformity was observed in the length of the root and hypocotyl, indicating that irradiation generated significant effects on these structures. These findings suggest the potential of physical mutagenesis to improve the characteristics of cape gooseberry, thus contributing to its cultivation and export internationally.Ítem Consolidación del primer encuentro de egresados del proyecto curricular de licenciatura en química y ampliación del canal de seguimientoHernández Atencia, Jennifer; Becerra, Luis FranciscoOver the years, the Bachelor's Degree in Chemistry has been an essential pillar at the Francisco José de Caldas District University, contributing to the academic development of numerous students. The National Council for Higher Accreditation (CESU) takes as a basis the guidelines for higher education institutions approved by the CESU in March 2021, and implements agreement 02 of 2020, indicating twelve factors and 104 characteristics grouped according to the aspects to be consider for self-assessment in HEIs. The CNA suggests considering factors related to learning outcomes to identify aspects to improve for accreditation processes, which are achieved by monitoring graduates and reviewing their impact on the social and academic environment. (National Accreditation Council-CESU, 2020). In the context, the prevailing need arises to consolidate and strengthen the ties between the alma mater and its graduates. Holding a meeting of graduates is presented as a valuable initiative, not only to foster camaraderie among former colleagues, but also to deepen the understanding of the impact that these professionals have had in their respective fields of work.