Licenciatura en Química

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    El aprendizaje de grupos funcionales con apoyo en TICS y en una reconstrucción histórica de la química orgánica
    Sanabria Quiroga, Juan Daniel; Martínez Santa, Miguel Ángel; Mosquera Suárez, Carlos Javier; Mosquera Suárez, Carlos Javier [0000-0001-8640-0803]
    Science education has always been a central focus of interest in educational research. From this fact, questions have been generated to face the challenge of teaching at the school level. In particular, one of the strategies deployed for the improvement of science teaching is the inclusion of history and epistemology as an alternative to encourage students to appropriate and use relevant scientific knowledge that allows them to understand beyond the simple acquisition of information about the contents addressed in the classroom and not only that, going through a pandemic created a change in the way of teaching, For this, different methods and instruments had to be used to support the teaching and learning processes, among these, technological tools that favored a better development of the classes, however, when returning to the face-to-face teaching and learning model, many of these alternatives were forgotten, returning to the traditional model and classroom strategies fell back to a classic teaching standard. Education must always be revolutionary from the way it is taught, it must always seek evolution, so this research project seeks to articulate the history and epistemology of science, in this case of organic chemistry, this together with information and communication technologies, in order to develop teaching and learning processes of natural sciences more meaningful for students so that they really appropriate knowledge in a familiar way to their context, since today's students are children of the digital age and this fact cannot be overlooked.
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    Diseño de una estrategia de enseñanza que promueva el uso de inteligencia artificial para el análisis de texto en la línea de alfabetización científica con estudiantes de educación media en relación con el estudio de lluvia ácida
    Ceron Hernández, Johan Sebastián; Mosquera Suarez, Carlos Javier
    Water scarcity is a global challenge affecting millions of people worldwide. Have we considered how education can evolve to enable societal progress while minimizing its impact on the environment and ourselves? In this research, we explore the role of scientific literacy in guiding students toward a more sustainable future. The study maintains scientific rigor, coherence, and seriousness, aiming to debunk the misconception that science is inflexible and dogmatic. Instead, we illustrate how scientific ideas evolve and how each contribution to this field of human knowledge aims to improve our quality of life. This work addresses one of the less recognized consequences of scientific practices: acid rain. Our goal is to connect students with their immediate environment, from their neighborhood to their family, by not only identifying environmental issues but also promoting the development of critical thinking. We achieve this by analyzing informative news, presenting real-world problems, and linking everyday phenomena with specific scientific concepts through grounded theory. The purpose of this work is to highlight advancements in science education and how science, technology, society, and the environment are continuously evolving. As educators, future educators, and students, we must stay updated on new practices, tools, and teaching and learning approaches while keeping history in perspective.
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    Formación experimental en el área de microbiología y genética en la compañía Microgen Ltda
    León González, Brandon Steeven; Becerra, Luis Francisco
    This document presents the development of theoretical and experimental skills as an intern in a company focused on the production in the area of microbiology and genetics. In addition to the theoretical knowledge of the academic training landed to a company commercializing products for the identification of diseases mainly, the improvement of technical skills and understanding of the own practices in the laboratory, following the biosafety standards and protocols necessary for the efficiency and quality of the products. The identification of physical and chemical hazards within the laboratory and the realization of a chemical storage matrix were knowledge strengthened during the three months as an intern. Finally, the constant need to carry out reflective processes in the experimental training process was recognized, where questions and indications are key criteria for both pedagogical and professional progress.
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    Estudio del método para el tratamiento de residuos de cáscara de plátano por carbonización hidrotermal y su posterior identificación de productos
    Barajas Medina, Osiris; Delgado Fajardo, Berta Inés; Mendieta Reyes, Néstor Eduardo
    As Colombia's agro-industrial economy grows, so does the amount of agricultural and forestry waste. Simultaneously, urban and population development increases the demand for products that generate food waste. This scenario has driven the implementation of new mechanisms and technologies for the final disposal of organic waste generated in the country. Waste management is one of Colombia's major environmental challenges. By not utilizing agricultural residues as raw materials for other processes, cross-contamination occurs in landfills, contributing to their collapse. However, scientific research has identified an opportunity in these wastes to apply thermal, chemical, mechanical, or microbiological processes that transform them into valuable products such as biofuels, briquettes, compost, and platform chemicals, among others. In this context, hydrothermal carbonization (HTC) emerges as a biorefinery process capable of converting residual biomass from crops into various high-value products through thermochemical transformations. The process utilizes the moisture in the samples, subjecting them to reactors at temperatures between 160 °C and 200 °C and autogenous pressures of up to 5 MPa. Under these conditions, water alters the properties of the raw material, transforming it into a compound called hydrochar, which has hydrophobic properties and is easily separated from the liquid products by filtration, thus facilitating its drying and resulting in a carbon-rich product with high calorific value. This study focuses on the application of HTC as a biorefinery method for treating biomass residues from banana cultivation, a raw material that is abundant and has optimal characteristics for this process due to its high moisture content. An experimental methodology was designed to evaluate the production of solid and liquid by-products, analyzing the effects of time and temperature on carbonization. The process is carried out in three stages: i) pretreatment of the sample, including drying and grinding to increase surface area and facilitate carbonization; ii) application of the experimental design, varying temperature and reaction time in the HTC process to obtain and separate solid and liquid by-products; and iii) drying of the filtered hydrochar, and analysis and quantification of the liquid products using high-performance liquid chromatography (HPLC) to determine the presence of soluble compounds such as sugars, furans, and organic acids, resulting from the thermal treatments.
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    Control de calidad en la producción de algunos productos de aseo personal mediante el análisis químico y el uso de las BPM
    Calderón Gereda, Derly Yurany; Peña Prieto, Luis Eduardo
    In this document, the project carried out in the company Henkel Colombiana S.A.S. is exposed, in which the general objective was "Control the quality of some personal hygiene products complying with the BPM", so in order to comply with said objective, three specific objectives which were developed through the proposed methodology, which took into account the activities that had to be done in the company to be able to develop it, thus, the results obtained from what was done in the company are exposed , as well as the analysis of results, the evaluation and fulfillment of the objectives and finally some conclusions, all this to make it known that through chemical analysis and the use of BPM it was possible to maintain and control the quality of products such as oxygen, deodorant, shampoo, styling cream and conditioner, thus generating benefits for the company and the consumer.
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    Evaluación de la respuesta de expresión de los genes RH2A, RH2B, RH1, RH4, RH5, EBA140, EBA175 Y EBA181 del parásito P. Falciparum en presencia y ausencia de péptidos inhibitorios de interacción Eritrocitaria
    Torres Prieto, Iván Darío; García Ortiz, Josué Anselmo
    The internship work is framed in a macro project that aims to study the host immune response against the Plasmodium falciparum parasite, which causes the malaria disease, one of the main threats to public health in the world; as well as the search for possible vaccine candidates based on inhibitory synthetic peptides. For this, it is necessary to study the effect that these molecules have on the parasite, in particular, the mechanism by which they can produce their effect. For this reason, an analysis of the basal expression of the parasite's rh2a, rh2b, rh1, rh4, rh5, ba140, eba175 and eba181 genes, which are involved in the expression of ligand proteins that interact with receptors located on the cell surface of erythrocytes, will be carried out, in the absence of any type of stress, and will be compared with the expression of these genes after treatment with erythrocyte interaction inhibition peptides (1771, 1815, 1818, 34203, 34243). The work will include the generation of a continuous culture of the parasite, synchronization of the parasite cells, RNA extraction, RNA retrotranscription and DNA amplification by real-time PCR techniques. The results obtained will be compared with standard patterns and linear regression will be used to analyze sample expression levels.
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    Aplicación de estrategias y herramientas de enseñanza y aprendizaje de la química en estudiantes de media vocacional postpandemia mediante el uso de las TICS
    López García, Jhon Jairo; García Sánchez, Luis Carlos; García Sánchez Luis Carlos [0000-0003-1215-7403]
    The internship in virtual spaces allows to mediate academic and personal interests in the educational community. It seeks to implement strategies from the playful, didactic and applicative learning of natural sciences in the cognitive dimension with psychomotor virtual experiences. On the other hand, it was proposed to design, apply and strengthen appropriate teaching-learning strategies and tools in the classroom and virtual classroom. The need to learn, curiosity and research leads to critical thinking, reflection of the contents, making education dynamic, with interactive participation in online education. The advantages of using e-learning and b-learning models can be seen in the strengthening of the educational curriculum. Learning linked to the area of Natural Sciences promotes aspects that value the original richness, building spaces that contribute to the development of a social commitment and to solve some environmental issues. In this way, schoolchildren become agents of change. The teacher must have a personal commitment, manage digital pedagogy and apply interactive digital strategies to assess the knowledge acquired, develop skills and teaching strategies that help to plan, implement and promote the teaching of Natural Sciences in virtual environments. The free software solutions of strategies such as Moodle, Edmodo, Microsoft Teams, Zoom facilitate group work, encouraging learners to carry out their school activities collaboratively. The didactic strategy of Problem Based Learning PBL, on responsibility in land conservation, concludes that the use of shared documents that the student investigates, includes reflection on the topic, which generates group discussion in an open forum, confronting the analysis and leading to a proposed solution, using the platform resources. The use of the different strategies of this work contributed significantly to the results of the saber 11 tests of the year 2022 of Liceo El Encanto.
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    Diseño racional de fármacos del proteosoma para mieloma múltiple
    Ramírez Patiño, Valentina; Guevara Pulido, James Oswaldo; García Ortiz, Josué Anselmo; Guevara Pulido James Oswaldo [0000-0001-9134-3719]
    The objective of this research is to theoretically and rationally design a new drug for a molecular target such as the proteasome by means of computational methods for chemotherapy treatment in patients with Multiple Myeloma (MM). To achieve this, a protein provided by the Protein Data Bank (6XMJ) was used and all the drugs from the family of proteasome inhibitors that are commercial or in preclinical and clinical phases were analyzed, including Bortezomib, Ixazomib, Carfilzomib, Oprozomib, Marizomib and Delanzomib. Each of them acted as a ligand and had an interaction between the β5 subunit of the proteasome. Different software such as ChemSketch, Avogadro, Autodock Vina, Discovery Studio and PreADMET were used to determine variables such as interactions (SAR), molecular docking and toxicity. After this, Delanzomib was chosen as the leading drug, which would be structurally modified, respecting the pharmacophore and modifying the auxophore, where the pertinent isosteric changes were made. 21 compounds were analyzed through computational methods and a new drug prototype called INA-216 was generated whose functional group is an amide and achieved interaction with 14 amino acids of the proteasome and had much better toxicity values ​​compared to Delanzomib. INA-216 may function as a potential drug for the treatment of MM as it was determined that inhibition of the proteasome results in the stabilization of signaling pathways that are affected by MM, which may have effects on decreased proliferation. cell and increased apoptosis.
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    Diseño computacional (in silico) de un péptido que neutraliza la proteína GP120 del VIH-1
    Forero Forero, Paola Andrea; Ruiz Tique, Nicoll Fernanda; Guevara Pulido, James Oswaldo; García Ortiz, Josue Anselmo; Guevara Pulido James Oswaldo [0000-0001-9134-3719]
    The human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) is a public health problem for many years, according to data from 2021 by WHO, 34.8 million people live with HIV, also about 40.1 million people have died from the virus, since weakening the immune system gives entry to opportunistic infections or diseases, which is why it is important to design new drugs that inhibit the entry of HIV or decrease its level in blood, however, the virus mutates rapidly and the availability of antiretrovirals is not the best. This research aims to design in silico peptides that can inhibit the interaction of Gp120 (glycoprotein that envelopes the virus) and CD4 (T lymphocytes), given the "Phe43" cavity between them. A literature review was carried out on the amino acid sequence of the binding site and the drugs that are in the final phase of study or on the market, the following software was used for the design: Chemdraw to draw the structures, Avogadro for optimization, Autodock vina to determine the affinity energy between the protein and the ligand and the interactions, PreADMET for the pharmacokinetic and pharmacodynamic properties. Six promising peptide candidates with affinity energy equal to or greater than -9.2 Kcal/mol were obtained to neutralize HIV Gp120.
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    Fundación Hospital La Misericordia: experiencia de un docente de química en aulas hospitalarias
    Borja Cely, Juan Sebastian; Mosquera Suárez, Carlos Javier; Mosquera Suárez, Mosquera Suárez [0000-0001-8640-0803]
    The work presented below had the objective of bringing the knowledge of chemistry to children and adolescents who for different health reasons abandoned the conventional classroom and were linked to hospital classrooms, the use of dynamic, educational materials was intended. and creative that will facilitate the teaching-learning processes and that will encourage the reflection of the actors involved in the process.
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    Evaluación del factor estimulante de colonias de granulocitos y macrófagos bovino recombinante (rbGM-CSF) producido en dos sistemas eucariotas
    Fontalvo Jaraba, Pedro Antonio; Rodríguez López, Edwin Alexander; Ayala Fajardo, Adis
    Dendritic cells (DC) are professional antigen presenting cells (APC) capable of capturing, processing and presenting antigens to CD4+ T lymphocytes by expressing major histocompatibility complex class II (MHC-II) molecules forming stable complexes with degraded antigenic peptides in the endosomal-lysosomal compartment. DC can be obtained in two stages, the first is the immature stage, whose capacity is to capture and process antigens, and the second is the mature stage characteristic of DC with the capacity to generate a specialized immune response through antigenic presentation. Dendritic cells are generated in vitro from myeloid cells (MoDC) by exposure to granulocyte-macrophage colony-stimulating factor (GM-CSF) and Interleukin 4 (IL-4), two cytokines specialized in cell activation, regulation, proliferation and differentiation. In the present study, the bovine cytokine GM-CSF was expressed in Komagataella phaffii NRRLY-11430 and mammalian cell line COS-7, with a yield of 374.8 μg and 643.9 μg, respectively, from 450 mL of culture supernatant for K. phaffii and 100 mL of culture supernatant for COS-7 cells which was obtained stable line. Subsequently, the ability of rbGM-CSF to differentiate monocytes to dendritic cells (MoDC) was evaluated by obtaining a morphology of cytoplasmic prolongations characteristic of DC and a phenotype determined by an expression of MHC-II+, CD80+, CD86+ and CD14- cell surface markers when DC are in mature stage, established by microscopy and flow cytometry, respectively. Additionally, the ability of differentiated bovine MoDC to present antigens was analyzed by forming peptide/MHC II complexes with OVA[323-335] and VP1 in two groups of cells, MoDC without preloading and MoDC preloaded with CLIP; The results showed greater binding to the VP1 peptide at 25 min of incubation when the cells were preloaded with CLIP, being this ten times more binding to the VP1 peptide than the OVA peptide, allowing them to exhibit higher rates of active MHC-II molecules on their surface.
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    Elaboración de material didáctico en 3D para el trabajo de los principales modelos atómicos para personas con discapacidad visual
    Pulido Porras, Ingrid Johana; Delgado Gómez, Miguel Ángel; Delgado Gómez, Miguel Ángel [0000-0002-5832-5831]
    As the policy of the Educational Revolution of the National Government gained strength, which has aimed to ensure that all children and young people in the country go to schools and colleges, giving priority to the education of vulnerable populations, and among them, those with some type of disability, since then public schools have incorporated students with visual disabilities into their classrooms which have presented a great challenge for The teacher in generating teaching strategies that allow him to develop fully. The internship was carried out at the José Félix Restrepo Technical College in the night shift located in the fourth locality of San Cristóbal, specifically cycle 5 (tenth grade), which has two students with visual disabilities and at the time of addressing the issue of "atomic models", there are no models made in 3D which interferes in the explanation of the importance of the structure and progress of the Current atomic representation, in this way it was sought to elaborate five of the main atomic models worked in secondary education. However, it seeks to work from primary school because of its importance in the development of themes that start from the atom. From the above, it was taken into account to elaborate them with different textures and shapes, in addition to adapting the writing system (Braille) to include these descriptions.
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    Síntesis de triazol con derivados de éteres propargilicos: Propargil salicilil éter.
    Ruiz Triviño, Jorge Enrique; García Sánchez, Luis Carlos; García Eleno, Marco Antonio; García Sánchez, Luis Carlos [0000-0003-1215-7403]
    The synthesis of triazoles requires methods for their formation from propargyl ethers. Its non-selectivity becomes evident when reviewing other methodologies that are more efficient in the conformation of triazoles. Such is the case of Gutiérrez's research (Gutiérrez Gutiérrez, 2019), who reports yields corresponding to the synthesis of propargyl ethers with diazonium salts. The application, or use, of microwaves allows us to deepen their application as a tool in the synthesis of interest. Based on these approaches, this research seeks to evaluate the amount of reagents, use of solvents and temperature in obtaining propargyl ethers. Important to determine yields and selectivity. The work is based on the Williamson methodology (Fuhrmann, 2005), for the elaboration of the propargyl ether, together with the Huisgen 1,3 dipolar cycloaddition (Huisgen, 1963) necessary to form the triazole. FTIR and thin layer chromatography are used to monitor the reactions, along with elemental analysis to corroborate the compounds obtained. The disappearance of salicylaldehyde and propargyl bromide and the apparent formation of the propargyl ether and later the formation of the 1,2,3 triazole as a functional group within the final substance are evident. It was determined that the optimum temperature, for the formation of the ether, is 75 °C while its melting point is 65.1 °C with a yield of 58%. In the synthesis of triazole yields of 61% were obtained.
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    Burnout académico y depresión: Factores asociados al rendimiento académico
    Martinez Gonzales, Andres David; Niño Vergara, Luisa Fernanda; Delgado Gómez, Miguel Ángel; Delgado Gómez, Miguel Ángel [0000-0002-5832-5831]
    This document aims to determine the relationship between academic burnout and depression with academic performance in the Faculty of Sciences and Education of the Francisco José de Caldas District University. This is developed as an exploratory investigation of quantitative data with a population of 135 students, in which, by means of two applied evaluation tools, the statistically low negative correlation presented is verified, implying that students who present depression or academic burnout are also those who generally have low academic achievement.
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    Dormancia: estrategia determinante de la fisiología vegetal en la especie Solanum tuberosum, una visión desde la perspectiva génica
    Rangel Rojas, Darly Vanessa; Becerra Galindo, Luis Francisco
    Asignar 4 descriptores o encabezamientos de materia y 4 palabras clave, teniendo en cuenta el siguiente título y resumen: La dormancia es un estado fisiológico en el cual diversos órganos vegetales de la planta, incluidos los brotes, entran en un periodo de inactivación metabólica y fisiológica, este es un proceso que adopta la planta para su supervivencia ante diferentes dificultades de tipo ambientales como la sequía, y altos o bajos contenidos de humedad, sin embargo, en casos como la especie vegetal Solanum tuberosum con nombre común “papa” la etapa de latencia desarrollada en los tubérculos puede representar afectaciones en ámbitos económicos y sostenibles, ya que es un alimento altamente consumido en todo el mundo, debido a muchas de sus propiedades, incluidos sus altos niveles de carbohidratos. A causa de la exposición de los tubérculos a temperaturas, contenido de humedad altos y entre otras características fisicoquímicas que propician la ruptura de la latencia, se genera la aparición de brotes, afectando la calidad nutricional de la papa. El reconocer a la dormancia como un proceso complejo y regulado genética y hormonalmente es fundamental, por lo cual se hace necesario indagar sobre los genes involucrados en la regulación hormonal de la latencia en la especie S. tuberosum, ello a partir de una revisión sistematizada por metodología PRISMA (Elementos de informe preferidos para revisiones sistemáticas y metaanálisis). Los resultados obtenidos contribuyen en la compresión genética sobre la regulación hormonal que se relaciona con la latencia en los tubérculos, junto con la integración metabólica y el reconocimiento de la genómica comparativa para superar las dificultades económicas y agro sostenibles que ocasiona la ruptura de la latencia en los tubérculos de la papa.
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    Actividades de aprendizaje como estrategias pedagógicas en la enseñanza y aprendizaje del Colegio Distrital Liceo Femenino Mercedes Nariño en los grados cuarto, sexto y octavo
    Martin Loaiza, Gina Paola; Araujo Oviedo, María Luisa
    This internship report establishes the bases to be taken into account to design pedagogical learning strategies based on encouraging attention, motivation and memory. Five strategies are proposed which are: The news, Introductory questions, Collaborative participation, The importance of what we learn, and Organization and relationship. With each of them, the themes of each course (fourth, sixth and eighth) are addressed from a different focus that leads to the construction of knowledge. The results of each strategy by course are exposed and recommendations are made according to what is observed. Finding an increase in participation and a greater effort when carrying out the activities proposed in class.
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    Estudio de revisión sobre especies nativas colorantes, con actividad antioxidante y fotoprotectora
    Moreno Barón, Andrés Camilo; Castro Rueda, Andrés Felipe; Devia Castillo, Beatriz Ofelia
    In the present study we selected a group of native species with studies on their antioxidant and photoprotective capacity, from which a relationship was found between some metabolites responsible for color and the biological activities studied. Some of the metabolites responsible for the color of native coloring species that show antioxidant capacity, which are grouped into flavonols, flavones, anthocyanins, quinones (anthraquinones and naphthoquinones), carotenes, chalcones, among other metabolites, are compiled. Most of the compounds are in the glycosylated form, having a few cases of structures in the form of aglycones. The bibliographic search was carried out using the databases: Pubmed, Science Direct, Scielo, Scopus, Research, SpringerLink, among others, and the academic search engine Google Scholar. Most of the documents found correspond to scientific articles published from the year 2010. The reported antioxidant capacity is mainly measured by DPPH, ABTS, FRAP, ORAC methods, among others. Most of the data increased in IC50 units, on the other hand, the phytochemical information of the extracts with antioxidant capacity was collected, finding the application of instrumental techniques such as chromatography (HPLC, GC/MS) and NMR. The same metabolite is found in several species that demonstrate antioxidant capacity in their extracts, for example: gallic acid, chlorogenic acid, quercetin-3-O-rutinoside, quercetin-3-O-rhamnoside, among other mainly glycosylated metabolites. The relationship between the metabolites responsible for the antioxidant and photoprotective capacity is discovered, having the following groups of metabolites in common: anthocyanins, flavonols, flavones, carotenes and phenolic acids.
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    Sistemas de organización de actividades para la enseñanza de las ciencias naturales: Un estudio de construcción de un estado del arte y de estructuración conceptual
    Álvarez Romero, Zharick Juliana; Cuadros Cetina, María Alejandra; García Martínez, Álvaro; García Martínez, Álvaro [0000-0002-3597-6252]
    The first phase is a bibliometric analysis based on research papers published in various specialized databases between 2010 and 2022 in different languages, which seeks to answer the question "How are the contents of natural sciences teaching organized and what are their conceptual foundations? With the analyses obtained from this first stage, the design of a Didactic Unit - DU - for the teaching of chemical change based on the synthesis of medicines from medicinal plants is proposed.
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    Diseño metodológico de mutaciones dirigidas mediante el sistema crispr/cas9 para aumentar el período de dormancia en la papa criolla Solanum tuberosum grupo Phureja (variedad criolla Colombia) irradiada con 60CO
    Arévalo Garzón, Yerson Andrey; Gil Páez, Diego Andrés; Becerra Galindo, Luis Francisco
    In Colombia, for many decades, round potatoes from this diploid group, with yellow skin and flesh color, which are commonly known as “papa criolla” (phenotype “egg yolk”), were widely spread for cultivation and consumption. Its vegetative period is 120 days under the conditions of the surface of Bogotá (2600 meters above sea level), a short period compared to that of cultivated tetraploid potatoes (year-old potatoes), which have a period greater than 165 days. The Creole potato has great acceptance within the Colombian population, as well as in the international market. It is recognized for its special organoleptic qualities that allow it to be part of the preparation of multiple dishes in traditional cuisine, as well as its higher nutritional quality compared to the annual potato. The Creole potato presents short periods of post-harvest dormancy as a major problem, due to this it does not meet the conditions of prolonged storage and distribution, leading to the loss of its organoleptic and nutritional properties, reducing its possibility of national and international marketing. This process is influenced by some phytohormones, one of them is ethylene, described in the Yang cycle, in this metabolic route the synthesis of ethylene is under the strict control of the 1-aminocyclopropane-1-carboxylate oxidase (ACO) enzyme, which under the study of Expression levels of ACO homologous genes determine the rate of ethylene production in different plant tissues. During this process, in the Molecular Biology hotbed of the Francisco José de Caldas District University through financing from the International Atomic Energy Organization (FAO) have carried out research generating mutations through gamma rays of 60Co in the Creole potato Solanum Tuberosum (Phureja Group), which involves the controlled exposure of 60Co in a concentration of (25 - 100 Gy) so that it does not affect dietary health in the irradiated tubers. This ionizing radiation has enough energy to interact with the DNA of the cells, which can cause breaks in the DNA strands. The selected mutants underwent a study of the expression levels of the genes involved in ethylene synthesis to confirm the characteristics mutated and their stability through generations. Including field tests, genetic analyzes and comparisons with the non-irradiated Colombia variety. In this case, the selected clones (48, 33, 39, Col, Mut) characterized by their higher yield and presenting a slight increase in their dormancy periods will be the plant material that will be used in the research. Conventional breeding of Solanum Tuberosum (Phureja Group) is a process that takes many years; This time could be reduced through the implementation and use of molecular biology tools that accelerate variety selection processes and strengthen conventional genetic improvement programs (Pinto et al., 2010). Editing a genome is producing changes/mutations at specific, targeted, permanent and heritable sites in the genome of a species. This editing is mediated by DNA repair systems in the cell with the lowest probability of making errors (off-targets) and without leaving foreign DNA sequences (New England Biolabs, 2007). By modifying the genetic information of an organism, specific genes are introduced or eliminated, altering their function, for example, inactivating the ACO gene in the ethylene metabolic pathway, generating less ethylene production.