Representaciones sociales de ambiente presentes en los estudiantes de la Especialización en Educación y Gestión Ambiental de la Universidad Distrital Francisco José de Caldas durante su proceso de formación
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From the environmental problems that have arisen in recent years, it is necessary to strengthen the educational training processes, for this, it is first necessary to recognize the cognitive systems of the individuals that guide their actions, this is achieved through study of the social representations defined by Moscovici (1979). The students of the Specialization in Environmental Education and Management, as people who seek to influence environmental processes, must reflect attitudes and behaviors according to current needs, that is why this study is carried out in order to identify the Social Representations of the students of the EEGA.The main objective that was set for the development of this research was to analyze the Social Representations of the Environment of the students belonging to the Specialization in Environmental Education and Management of the Universidad Distrital Francisco José de Caldas between the periods 2018-1 and 2019-2. For this, a qualitative study was followed that allows understanding the concepts through the data obtained using inductive research.For this study, the categories initially proposed by Reigota (1990) and later modified by Andrade (2004) with which he based his study Flores (2008) were used, from which it was recognized that the Specialization achieves significant advances from a conceptual standpoint evidencing a change in the environmental SR with which the students enter and the one they obtain during their formative process, with a significant decrease in the Naturalistic RSA and an increase in the Globalizing RSA. It was possible to characterize these RSAs within the Specialization in Environmental Education and Management, identifying the central core that compose them and their peripheries, also understanding how these elements are organized in students. Based on the results obtained, an analysis of these RSAs was carried out within the specialization, understanding their coherence with the objectives of the postgraduate course and with the National Environmental Education Policy. Finally, some important elements were defined on which work can continue to improve the results obtained here.