Aportes de la Resistencia Indígena Comunitaria de los Nasa, Durante el Periodo de la Seguridad Democrática a la Consolidación de Ontologias Relacionales
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This research focuses on the interest to know the impact that the process of liberation of Mother Earth has had, as a strategy of indigenous community resistance of the Nasa, based on the policy of Democratic Security of Álvaro Uribe Vélez, with the pretension of identify their components, in order to interpret their effects in relation to their cultural identity, and the territory. The methodological approach is qualitative critical, taking as reference the approaches of decoloniality of power and indigenous epistemicide. The interpretation of semi-structured interviews with community leaders, academics, documentary analysis and press follow-up was used. It is tried to demonstrate that, the Nasa between 2002 and 2010, chose to consolidate fight alternatives to recreate and strengthen their identity bonds and guarantee their rights over the territory, using their cosmogony, cultural heritage and their historical references, favoring with it the construction of new knowledge, oriented towards new ways of relating to the State and consolidating as a community, these being the constitutive elements of a relational ontology around territory, identity and culture.