Dispositivo para monitorear en tiempo real vía web variables como temperatura humedad y concentración de CO2 que puedan afectar la calidad de la mercancia durante su transporte
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During the transport of goods they can manage to present disadvantages at the moment of mobilizing elements that they need of a special care due to the fact that his content they can be sensitive to hurts, for this reason a device was designed to monitor real time variables that could affect the quality of the goods. There were in use sensors of dampness, temperature, concentration of CO2 and light intensity, in addition there was implemented a computer of limited plate (Raspberry pi) and a microcontroller to realize the acquisition of the signs, the interpretation of information and transmission of information across Internet due to his technical specifications bearing in mind that are a devices of low cost with an energetic consumption, offering to him autonomy prolonged with conventional batteries. This software programmed in the microcomputer takes charge processing the information obtained of the sensors, in this stage the electrical signs transform to corresponding units in the International System of Units, this information is stored in a servant connected to a manager of database (MySQL, Apache) and visualized of graphical form in a dynamic web page (php, HTML, JavaScript), with the option to realize consultations and to interact real time with the same one.