La motivación y las tecnologías de la información y la comunicación (geogebra®) en el estudio del objeto matemático función cuadrática en estudiantes de grado noveno del instituto San Ignacio De Loyola
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The present research work, entitled: Motivation and Information and Communication Technologies (GeoGebra®) in the study of the mathematical object quadratic function in ninth grade students of the San Ignacio de Loyola Institute, shows and describes the underlying variables before and after the application of a didactic sequence supported by technology. The research is of a mixed type, involving quantitative and qualitative material; statistical analyses supported by purely qualitative approaches. The instrument used to determine motivation is called the CEAP-48 test proposed by Barca et al. (2005) under a Likert scale. A semi-structured interview with a research focus group is taken into account. Within the underlying variables after the application of the didactic sequence we have: learning and its usefulness; examination as motivation; qualification or mark as motivation; intrinsic motivation and confidence; motivation and study. The test, besides showing the academic motivation, allows identifying attributional variables to the academic success. After the application of the didactic sequence the following categories of mentioned attributional style were identified: school performance and luck, effort and success, capacity and effort, grades and facility by the type of intelligence. Among the conclusions, it is important to emphasize that the test is part of the student's extrinsic academic motivation, as well as a negative influence on his or her emotions regardless of whether or not technology is present. The present investigation had didactic, pedagogical and mathematical limitations due to the COVID-19 pandemic.