Apoyo en la estructuración y modelado SIG al área social de la regional centro del Grupo de Energía de Bogotá para la construcción de líneas eléctricas
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This project arises in compliance with Decree 3573 of September 27, 2011 which expresses the need to implement GIS geographic information systems as a tool for the correct management of data and under resolution 1503 of the Ministry of Environment, Housing and Development territorial, by which the methodology for presenting Environmental Studies incorporated into a geographic storage model is adopted, which allows proper monitoring of the works or activities subject to licensing or environmental procedures in the competence of the environmental authorities, facilitating the management of information. spatial and favoring interdisciplinarity between the different professionals involved in the development of a project. This is why the Integrated Geological Services (SGISAS) company, which manages various projects for renowned companies such as Ecopetrol or the Bogotá Energy Group in the management and operation of different projects, requires a professional capable of integrating issues related to the geographic information systems of the social area, supporting interdisciplinary integration, taking into account the information provided by each of the social managers in the field together with the geographic information previously obtained by the company from environmental studies carried out previously. This document presents the internship report as a degree modality, based on Agreement No. 038 of July 28, 2015 of the Francisco José de Caldas District University. The activity to be carried out during the internship at the company S.G.I S.A.S. will be as a GIS professional developing the structuring, generation, analysis and zoning of geographic information taking into account the Geographic Data Storage Model of ANLA resolution 2182, of 2016, providing information of a social nature to the different projects of Grupo de Energía de Bogotá generating early warnings in order to mitigate the social impact on the communities and the possible setbacks that may occur in its development