Balance de monografías de las Licenciaturas en Educación Básica con Énfasis en Ciencias Sociales de la Universidad Distrital Francisco José de Caldas y la Universidad Pedagógica Nacional sobre intervenciones pedagógicas de historia reciente, guerra en Colombia y Educación en DDHH (2011-2019)
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This study is based on the urgency that exists for the national past of political violence and armed conflict to occupy greater centrality in the teaching-learning exercises of basic and secondary education in the country, therefore, it was considered necessary to highlight the development that has been presented since 2011 at the Universidad Distrital Francisco José de Caldas and the Universidad Pedagógica Nacional in order to present to the readers a series of recurrences, findings and gaps at the time of approaching in the school the topics that are part of Recent History, the War in Colombia and Human Rights Education, with the purpose of having a more solid basis for future works on how to carry out pedagogical interventions from these categories. For this process, a total of 20 monographs were analyzed, 10 from the Universidad Distrital Francisco José de Caldas and 10 from the Universidad Pedagógica Nacional, where the theoretical references used, the emerging subcategories of analysis, the pedagogical approaches and strategies, the actors of the conflict they addressed and the temporalities used in the pedagogical interventions were taken into account.