Análisis de la capacidad adaptativa socioecológica ante los efectos del cambio climático en la vereda Las Margaritas en el Páramo de Sumapaz, Bogotá D.C., Colombia
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In recent years, national research has shown the fragility of the páramo ecosystems due to the effects of climate change and the transformation of land uses for different agricultural activities, causing alterations in the dynamics of both the ecosystem and the communities that inhabit them. . In this sense, the Sumapaz páramo has been affected by community settlements that have generated great changes in the natural flows of the ecosystem, causing an impact on the provision of the ecosystem services that it offers. Within the framework of the Project for Adaptation to climatic impacts in the regulation and supply of water in the Chingaza-Sumapaz-Guerrero area, the adaptive capacity of high mountain communities to the effects of climate change is analyzed, specifically in the Las Margaritas village of the Chisacá micro-basin of the town of Usme, Bogotá DC Therefore, a territorial and socio-ecological analysis is carried out through the systematization of the surveys carried out in 17 socio-ecological systems, to finally establish the recommendations for adaptation actions to climate change. Based on the above, it was evidenced that the communities of the Las Margaritas village of the Chisacá micro-basin have a medium-low adaptive capacity to the effects of climate change, due to the management and appropriation that they carry out within the socio-ecological systems at a cultural, social level , economic and environmental, so it is important to strengthen and increase their capacity to respond to possible climate change scenarios through the implementation of adaptation actions based on ecosystems and communities.