Desarrollo de un modelo de producción más limpia para la gestión ambiental empresarial del sector de artes gráficas en Bogotá D.C. Estudio de caso Etipress S.A. etiquetas e impresos.
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The graphic arts sector includes the printing of advertising, commercial and editorial material, it is common that within the processes of this industry there is the generation of a variety of environmental impacts represented in possible effects through discharges, emissions, generation of hazardous waste and noise. In Colombia, this industry has a predominance of small and medium-sized companies, its competition is based on low prices or low added value of products and its focus on aspects related to the environment is not yet widely developed, a situation that determines limitations in development. of its competitiveness. On the other hand, global trends and the need to comply with environmental regulations imply that organizations opt for differentiation actions in order to generate added value, improve their efficiency and reduce production costs through Cleaner Production strategies. In the same way, the Environmental Management Systems, specifically the adoption of the guidelines of the ISO 14001 environmental management system, seek that companies adopt sustainable models of continuous improvement, with the possibility of their external certification, a fact that brings benefits as proposed by all a series of challenges at the organizational level for companies. In Bogotá D.C, the District Secretary of the Environment through its Environmental Excellence Program aims to support related companies committed to sustainability in order to improve their environmental performance and achieve said certification. The development of this research will allow the analysis of a company in the graphic arts sector of the city of Bogotá D.C Etipress S.A, to review the status of compliance with the environmental management system and the applicable environmental requirements. The proposal will be carried out within an established methodological framework using Cleaner Production tools focused on identifying their impacts. Subsequently, the development of the life cycle analysis will be carried out using the Open LCA free software in order to obtain a substantial analysis of some of the impacts of the production chain, that is, an analysis of the impacts from the production of inputs to the final disposition of the product or, failing that, to the limit of the referenced system. It is emphasized that in this phase the corresponding analyzes and results will be subject to the information available throughout the study. With the above, it is intended to evaluate the efficiency of environmental actions that are carried out on a certain process and establish a series of alternatives and/or strategies that correspond to the organizational needs and can contribute to the reduction of the negative impacts identified.